Chapter 17

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Meet a new character and be ready for some conflict. What's a fiction w/o any problems anyways? Hehe love you guys c;


Is it Kyle? Kyle. That jerk I had a crush on for almost 7 years. My heart was beating so loud I was pretty sure the whole town could hear it. I confessed to him about my little crush on him and he laughed in my face in 6th grade. Then everyday since that horrendous day, he bullied me and made my life terrible. I remember the worst one was on the last day of 7th grade and I was outside with my friends when he came over, took my yearbook, ripped it in half and then went around telling everyone that I lost my virginity. I cried for the rest of the day and stayed at my friend's house. She told me that he was just being rude because that's how guys flirt, and that he was just being an idiot trying to get your attention. I liked him even though he did all those things which made the situation worse. Flashbacks of those middle school years flashed through my head and my eyes started to water. My phone beeped again. I froze and wanted my bed to swallow me up.

It's Kyle. I wanna talk and hangout. Please respond.

As soon as I read the text, anger started to boil up inside and I started seeing red. He really was just going to come crawling back, text me and I don't know how the heck he got my number, then make it seem like things were okay. I snatched the phone up and started to type furiously.

Are you serious right now? How the heck did you get my number? No abosolutely not you arse. Why would I wanna be around you, you're a total prick. You wanna talk and hangout? Go die in a hole first and maybe I'll think about it you asshole.

I hit send and threw my phone. This was too much for me. I changed into some sweats and a hoodie and pulled on some uggs, grabbed my ipod and headphones, and closed the door.

"Mom I'm going for a walk!" I shouted.

"Okay, just be home before dinner." She replied. 

It was only 3. Four hours. Okay, I descended my porch steps and took a right down the sidewalk. I put my ear buds in and turned on Fitz and the Tantrums. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I took in the scenery. My eyes began to water again and then they were pouring out one by one then all of a sudden I turned into a waterfall of tears. I slumped down against one of the powerline poles and hugged my knees to my chest, burying my face in my arms, I shook. This was all just crazy, my life felt like it was coming to an end. Kyle was back and I only thought everything was going to be worse. Then I thought of Trevor. Oh, how I missed him. I haven't talked to him as much since school started again. The date played back in my head, and a small smile appeared. I dusted myself off and started walking back home. When I got back it was around 5.

"Are you okay Maddy?" My mom met me at the door. 

"Yeah, I just fell by accident." I lied.

"Are you alright?"


"Go get cleaned up, I'll call you down when dinner's ready."

I nodded and climbed the stairs to my room. My phone was buzzing, but I ignored it and went into my bathroom to get cleaned up. I felt a little better when I got out, so I pulled out my laptop from under my bed and got on Tumblr. My phone beeped and I looked over at it. I got up and went to get it; lucky me, I cracked the back of it. Ugh, whatever, I thought. I had 33 texts, and 20 missed called. People sure do like me. I chuckled at my joke. My face dropped and I gagged at who it was from. Kyle. Geez, this boy. What does he want? Am I his fetish or something like goodness gracious leave me alone you creep. My mom called my down for dinner. I turned off my phone and went downstairs.


I woke up to the blaring of my alarm at 5:00 am. Moaning, I felt around for the snooze button and slapped it. Another week of school. Yay. I rolled out of bed and banged onto the floor landing awkwardly with my feet still tangled in my blanket. That hurt, ugh.


She came into my room and peeked her head through the door.


"I don't think I can go to school," I made my voice raspy and coughed.

"Nice try, you're fine. Now get ready." She closed the door.

"It was worth a shot," I mumbled.

I got up and tripped over my feet, half asleep, getting to my closet. Tossing a sweater on the bed with some jeans, I went into the bathroom and washed up to wake up. I got dressed and put my hair up into a bun, slipped on some black vans, grabbed my bag and went downstairs. My mom tossed me the keys and said I could drive. I was so happy! She didn't want me to drive until I was 18 even though I had already passed my test. So she didn't let me drive often. 

"I won't have time to drop you off, I have to go to a meeting for work." She picked up her bag and kissed me goodbye and headed out the door with me following behind. I locked the door and we went our separate ways. Since it was still a little early I drove to Starbucks down the street and ordered a grande candy cane frap. I managed to barely make second bell for school. Haha. I hustled to throw my stuff into my locker and hurried into English and took my seat. The teacher walked in a few minutes later and we started our lesson. Taking notes I didn't notice that everyone was looking towards the front at the teacher and the new student with them. 

"Class this is a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Hunt motioned to the tall guy.

"Hey," his voice was deep and boomed. He looked at me before smirking without breaking contact. "My name's Kyle." At that moment, I felt my heart stop, my blood turn cold, and the world freeze. I sunk down in my seat and buried my face in my hands. Great. Just great.

"Please take a seat beside Miss Madalyn please." 

He grinned and walked over with confidence and slid into the seat. I angled my body so my back was slightly to him but not completely sideways. He kept making noises during the rest of the period to try and get my attention, but I ignored him. The bell rung and I started to pack up when I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me stop.

"Hey Madalyn, I haven't seen you in forever. You look prettier than you did in middle school." His voice was so close. I shook his hand, packed, and turned around. He smiled at me. I took the moment to take in his appearance. He was a alot taller than before, around like 6'3", with dark brown hair that was short and spiked up in the front. His eyes were light brown, and he obviously had been working out. I shook my head and snapped back to reality. He was still the jerk that ruined my middle school life. I scowled at him and crossed my arms.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You should know, you asshole." I gritted my teeth.

"If it's about middle school, let me explai-" 

"I don't wanna hear it. Do me a favor and leave me the heck alone, I don't wanna see you." I turned on my heels and stomped out the door leaving him there.

We only have 4 months of school left and I was ready to be prepared for the nightmare that was coming true.


What do you guys think of Kyle? c;

I might start another story after this one is done. I'm thinking about it, playing with the idea. Almost to 1k reads! Thank you so much you guys! :D

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