
272 21 9

I binged.
Chinese takeout,
It felt so good as I was shovelling the food into my mouth.
I knew before I started that I was going to regret it.
But I didn't care.

I came down from the high.
Staring into the empty bowl of Chinese food sitting in my lap and the cupcake wrappers littered around me.
What have I done.

I cried for a whole hour.
The whole day I hadn't eaten more than 1000 calories, even at this point but I didn't care.
I was a failure.
I am a failure.

I ran into the bathroom.
I turned on the shower and some loud music.
And I stuck my fingers down my throat.

I gaged on my boney fingers over and over, but I couldn't do it.
As much as I tried, I couldn't throw up.
So I just sat on the floor of the shower.

So I hugged myself.
Because no one was going to do it for me.
And I hated myself.
But I already got plenty of that from everyone else.
A/N hey guys. I tried so hard this week but today I cracked. I failed ana. I'm going to work it off tho. Just needed to vent before I did something stupid.
Stay safe and stay thin. x

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