Charlie's New Friend

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"So Charlie," Dean said, nudging her ribs with his elbow. They'd been talking all day, rambling on about what Hogwarts house Buffy would be in, or whether Kirk or Picard was the better captain. Now they were walking down the hallway, heading to their lockers to get their stuff and go home.

"Hm?" she hummed in reply. She raised her eyebrows and gave her new friend a smile.

"I was wondering," Dean looked at the ground and pushed his glasses up his face, "if you'd want to, um, go to a party? With me?" Dean looked into Charlie's eyes and smiled shyly.

"Oh, um, Dean? I'm gay. I don't swing that way. Sorry." 

"No! No, no, not like that! No, I meant as friends!" Dean tugged on the arm of his green sweater in awkwardness.

"Oh. Okay, then sure! You can be my wingman," Charlie said with a wink.

"Cool! Swing by my place later tonight. We can get ready together and I'll take you there." Charlie smiled and nodded at Dean. "By the way, it's Castiel Novak's party."

When Charlie heard this, she stopped in her tracks. "Castiel Novak?" She stared at Dean with wide eyes, looking as if she wanted to kill him.

"Yeah, him!" Dean called as he half-jogged away from her. "Anyways, see you later!" Dean turned away from Charlie and ran to his locker, not wanting to hear Charlie yell at him.

"You'r not getting away with this!" Charlie shouted. "We're talking about this later!" Charlie knew Castiel Novak. She knew his reputation. She knew how he broke every heart he came in contact with. And she knew by the twinkle in Dean's eyes when he said the boy's name that Dean wanted more than just a simple friendship from Castiel.

Cas was a punk, a heart-breaker, and a total jerk. And Dean was the first real friend Charlie had met in years. She was determined to protect Dean from anyone who wanted to hurt him.

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