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"Bradbury!" Castiel called as he opened the door. 

"Castiel, hey!" Charlie winked back. She walked confidently through the door and Dean trailed behind her. The overwhelming scent of booze burned his eyes and he had to keep blinking to stop them from watering. Kids around them were laughing and dancing and sloshing their drinks over the hardwood floor. Dean clung close to Charlie's back to make sure he didn't get lost in the sea of drunk teenagers. 

Castiel was talking to Charlie and leading them into the kitchen, which was slightly more peaceful than the living room. The new room was better lit than the first, and was much less crowded. There were only two groups of kids talking in the corners, so it was quiet enough to hold a real conversation.

"So, Charlie, where've you been?" Castiel raised an eyebrow at Charlie. "And who's your, um, friend?"

"I've been stealing the hearts of the innocent You know, same as usual." Castiel laughed. Dean noticed that when the boy laughed, he laughed with his whole body, throwing his head back, his eyes brightening, his hands slapping his thighs, his body bending backwards. With Castiel, it seemed it was either all or nothing.

Castiel returned to his normal standing position, where he was a few inches shorter than Dean. To Dean, that felt weird. He felt out of place being taller than a boy so much more confident and powerful than he was. "And your friend?" Castiel asked, eyeing Dean quizzically.

"I'll let you find out." Charlie smiled triumphantly and walked away from the two boys and out of another door, winking at Dean behind Castiel's back. It was an obvious attempt to get the two together. Dean was thankful for it, but that didn't stop his cheeks from burning.

Castiel nodded, shrugged, and ran a hand through his hair. Wow, Dean thought as the boy opposite him placed his hands in his back pockets, he has no concept of personal space. The two were standing abnormally close, which made Dean feel slightly uncomfortable. Castiel however, looked as if he'd never been more in his element.

"So do you have a name or what kid." Castiel said this as more of a demand than a question.

"Yeah," Dean stuttered. "I'm Dean. Uh, Winchester."

"Winchester, huh?" Castiel mumbled. "That's nice. I'm a Novak. Castiel Novak." He smiled and winked, causing Dean to laugh a little to cover up how flustered he felt.

"Castiel? That's kind of a mouthful, isn't it? Can I just call you Cas?"

"Cas?" the boy said, trying the word out in his mouth. He then smiled, a genuine smile, not a smirk or a grimace. A real, full on smile. "I like it."

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