Chapter 4

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Reiji's P.O.V.

I woke up a few hours later with (Y/N) in my arms. He clothes were all over the floor along with mine. I got out of bed me saw that school started in a few hours. I threw on my uniform and gently rubbed her arm.

"(Y/N). You have to wake up. I'll go get your uniform from your room."

She rolled over and opened her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I smiled at her and walked to her room. I saw her uniform on her dresser and took it back to my room. I helped her get it on because she was still sore. I pulled her to my chest and hugged her tightly. She put her head on my chest as someone knocked on my door.


I opened the door, still holding (Y/N). He smirked and walked away to the foyer. I rolled my eyes and followed him. The others were already down there with smug expressions on their faces. She blushed and buried her face in my chest. I rubbed her back and picked her up bridal style. I led the others to the limo and climbed in. She opened her eyes and looked around at the others.

"This is not like you, Reiji. I thought it was me that would get her first. But hearing those beautiful sounds coming from your room, well done." Laito said, smirking.

I growled at him and wrapped a protective arm around her waist. She kissed my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. Kanato was looking at her with this insane look in his eyes. He giggled and sat next to (Y/N).

"Teddy thinks you smell good, (Y/N). I think so, too." he said, lifting up her wrist and biting down.

"Kanato, stop!" I said, pulling her away from the maniac.

He looked like he had just gotten slapped. He hugged Teddy tighter as tears rolled down his face.

"I'm sorry, Kanato."

"Don't talk to me or touch me, Reiji." he said, sitting down on the floor next to Shu. He opened one eye and went back to sleep. Ayato was playing on his phone and Laito was looking at pictures of girls in bikinis. We pulled up to the school and I jumped out of the limo. I walked into the school, still carrying (Y/N). I took her to her first hour, which was the same as mine. We sat in the back as the teacher played a movie about cell mitosis. She wasn't going to wake up any time soon, so I rubbed her back.

"You have music with Shu next hour. He'll tell you where to go." I whispered in her ear.

She lifted up her head and kissed me on the lips. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into my lap. She pulled away and put her face in my neck.

"You smell like caramel." she said.

I smiled and kissed her neck. The bell rang and I kissed her one last time before going to chemistry.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

You followed Shu down he hallway to the music room. There was only a few kids in there. Shu sat next to a piano and took his earbuds out. He grabbed your arm and pulled you onto his lap. He started playing "Scarborough Fair" for his assignment. His eyes were closed the entire time he played. When he was done, you clapped because of the good job he had done. He smirked and put his earbuds back into his ears. He carried you to a couch and wrapped his arms around your waist, felling asleep with his face in your neck. You blushed when he rubbed your stomach. You felt him smirk and gently took his arms off of you. He growled and you stopped moving. The bell rang.

"Go to the gym. You have it with Subaru." he said.

You nodded and walked to the gym. You saw Subaru trying to get away from a big group of girls. His face was bright red. You giggled and walked into the girls locker room to get dressed. The other girls were talking about their break. One of them apparently went to London. You walked out as the teacher said you were playing dodge ball. A few kids groaned and others cheered and clapped. You were on the same team as Subaru, which was a good thing in your opinion because he took this game very seriously. By the end of the game, all of the kids on the other team had bruises on their legs and arms. He walked out of the locker room in his uniform and smelling like Axe. He walked over to you and bent over so he was at your height.

"You have cooking class with Ayato. Beware. He will go insane if you don't make him any takoyaki." he said.

"Thanks for the warning." you said sarcastically.

The bell rang and as soon as you walked out of the gym, Ayato grabbed your arm and dragged you to class.

"You better know how to make takoyaki." he said menacingly.

You pulled out your phone and looked up the recipe. You started mincing the garlic while Ayato took care of the squid. (God, just thinking about it makes me feel sick.) You let it cook while Ayato's fangirls crowded him and asked him questions about his break. He smiled and glanced over at you as you took the takoyaki out of the fryer.

"Done. Try it." you said, handing a plate to Ayato.

He took a bite and his eyes widened.

"Damn, this is good." he said.

"Don't eat too much! You'll get sick!" you said, trying to take the plate away from him.

He gave you one and smiled.

"Try it. It's really, really good."

You took a bite and smiled at your cooking skills.

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