10. Time Flies...

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Olivia's P.O.V

December 31st, 2014

   "Gerald?" My heart was racing. I felt so overwhelmed. I must be imagining. He's not here, there's not way it's him. What the fuck is this?

   "Surprise-" I attacked him with a hug. As if it was an instinct. He laughed and hugged me back, hanging up the phone. I hugged him tightly.

   "You said you were touring." I talked to his chest.

   "I'm home since Christmas."

   "And you couldn't pick up your phone and tell me that?" Asshole.

   "I wanted to surprise you. Now shut up, it's almost midnight and I want to give you that cheesy New Year's Eve kiss." I could hear the people counting the seconds. 5... 4... 3... 2... Gerald placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. I could hear everyone cheering. And as cheesy as it was, kissing him in the snow felt so good. Felt magical. It didn't feel real. After a few more seconds we pulled away even though I didn't want to.

   "Now, let's get inside-" I got a notification on my phone.

My Boo:
Have fun with Gerald, Boo. I left with Travis...

   "Scratch that. Let's go to your place?" I asked him, and he nodded. Did she know that he's here?

   "Yes." He smiled at me. We started walking towards his house since it was a block away. "Did you start working on the art for my album?"

   "Yeah, I made something for you at my house."

   "What did you make?"

   "Remember the jacket I bought for you the other day when we went shopping?" He nodded. "Well, I painted something on that jacket." He seemed interested to listen.

   "What did you paint?"

   "It wasn't easy at all since I never drew on clothes, but the result paid off. I wrote some stuff and did some drawings onto the jacket."

   "What did you write?" So I explained it to him, and the meaning behind it. He's a night person, rarely up in the mornings and it felt like it had been symbolizing him. I enjoyed seeing how invested he was in listening to my long explanation. Made me feel good that he's listening to me and not pretending. He cares.

   "I love it. I knew that I could trust you."

   "You didn't even see it."

   "I'm sure I'll love it." He smiled at me, and I smiled back at him. After a few minutes we arrived at his building, defrosting our bodies from how cold it was outside. Once we entered his apartment, I noticed how troubled he seemed. How could I miss that?

   "Gerald, you seem off." I finally spoke. I can't ignore that.

   "I have a lot on my mind." He simply answered. He can't shut down on me like that.

   "Spill it out."

   "I get it you don't want to-" Huh? "Wait, what?" His expression changed as he was surprised. Do people not want to hear him talk about his real problems?

   "Tell me."

   "You seriously want to know?"

   "Why are you so surprised? Of course I do."

   "Usually, girls don't really care about what I feel-"

   "I'm not one of these girls, didn't you get that already?" A soft chuckle rolled down his lips. He seemed in a more relaxed position.

   "I'm still getting used to the idea." He murmured. I sat down next to him on the couch and held his hand, intertwining our fingers together. He looked at our hands, then back on me.

   "You will." I assured him. "Now tell me what happened, I don't want you to be frustrated..."

   "I had a fight with my brother."

   "What did you fight about?"

   "Something about the family. It'll fade away... I don't really want to talk about it right now." He smiled at me. I stopped myself from sighing as I felt a little sad that he's holding himself from telling me the truth.

   "I'm here when you feel like talking." He nodded.

   "I appriciate that."

February 4th, 2015

   "Swear I'm so prepared to love you, know it's no one there above you." Gerald looked at me as he performed. I came to visit him at his show, trying to come up to his expectations. He wanted me to see him perform and I had to fulfill that wish. Not to mention that it semed very important for him that I come to watch him.

   "Gerald..." I whined, and he laughed as he pulled away from the sweaty hug he had just given me. He did that on purpose! "Was it fun signing boobs and butts?" I teased.

   "Just a sec-" He took a sharpie and pulled me closer to him as he signed my boobs with that sharpie. Ah! That idiot! Who gave him the permission? Does he want me to become furious?? "It was hella fun."

   "Fuck off." I flipped him off. "Did you have to do that with a sharpie?" I've noticed a camera flash. Oh, no!

   "That's a great photo." Grady walked towards us and showed us the photo. It was showing me getting angry at Gerald for signing my boobs.

   "Oh, God. Are you serious?" Grady held himself from laughing while he nodded.

   "I agree, it's an awesome photo." Gerald told Grady. Of course he didn't upload it anywhere since he wants our relationship to be a secret. I get it, he doesn't want others to interfere his lifestyle. Besides, if he uploaded it somewhere, I would've killed him already. "Can we see a smile?" I shook my head.

   "You'll suffer from your actions." He laughed as I kept a straight face. "Yeah, laugh now. We'll see who'll laugh later."

   "Fuck, I wouldn't want to mess with her. She looks very serious." I nodded at what Grady advised Gerald.

   "Grady, you're such a pussy." Blizzy told him."

   "Nah, man. I side with Grady." Marty stated. "I've had a few conversations with Liv..." I laughed a little at how they acted.

   "I know how to deal with Liv, thank you." Gerald stopped them from continuing this conversation. "You're scaring my dudes..." He whispered in my ear.

   "Sorry, dudes." I mocked Gerald and he narrowed my eyebrows.

   "Great, now you're teasing on purpose." I nodded, much to hissarcastic frustration.

   "Two can play this game."

   "Bring it, Britney."

   "Oh!" He picked me up, piggyback style and started running. What does he think he's doing? Ugh! And he's still so sweaty...

   "I'll get sick, Gerald!!" I yelled and he continued. "Stop!"

   "No!" I tugged at his pants, pulling them down, making him stop. "Hey! You fight dirty."

   "So do you." He stopped running. "Put me down."

   "Yo, these two are another level of insanity..." Marty sighed.

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