13. Spoon Your Eyes Out

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Ne'vaeh POV

"Yea, that'd be crazy," I try and laugh off, "okay, uh can you take me home? I'm like really tired."

"Sure, but please Ne'vaeh, let me show you I care," he says softly pulling me toward him. His eyes bore into mine waiting for an answer. I can't let another person get hurt because of me. Especially not Ashton, he's so genuine and innocent. Fuck it, if he's with me he will get hurt. I won't let it happen.

"Okay,"  I say and the smile on his face only grows as he pulls me into a hug. Squishing me to where I can hardly breathe. "Okay. Cookie. Can. you. Please. Let. Me. go." I groan.

He releases me "Oh, my bad," he laughs nervously. 

I look at him just admiring his smile and the way his eyes twinkle in the light. In that moment I promised myself that I was never gonna let anything happen to him. I'm going to  keep him by my side. If somethings happens to him I will never be able to forgive myself. Living with another death on my shoulders might just destroy me completely. I can't let another person I love die because of me, the guilt will kill me. We sit there for awhile in silence. It's not an awkward silence it's a peaceful comfortable silence of being with him. I haven't known him that long, and here I am thinking he is the most important thing to me. I know that I like him a lot even if I did just meet him a week ago. Call me crazy if you want, but I feel as if I could trust him with my life. Gosh, I sound like a love sick puppy.

We eventually get up and leave. We get into the car and Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams comes on. We both start singing to the top of our lungs and look at each other. I start laughing realizing that it might not be so bad to be in a relationship. We sing and laugh all the way back to the house. 

We pull up to the house and he parks on the street. He looks at me and his gaze flickers to my lips then back up to my eyes. He licks his lips making it obvious he wants to kiss me. I don't know what he was waiting for or why he was waiting. So I closed the distance and crashed my lips onto his. It took him a second to register what happened, but he started kissing me back.

I walked into the house, after waving bye to Ashton. and Liam is smirking at me. I sigh knowing he probably saw Ashton and me in the car.

I groan, "Okay, I know you saw me and Ashton. If you tell anyone, I mean anyone, I will spoon out your eyes, then make you watch me cut your body into tiny pieces and feed them to starving rats," I glare.

"That's impossible. Once my eyes leave my eye sockets I'm blind," he smirks.

"Want to find out?" I say grabbing a spoon.

"Uh, no thanks," he says nervous.

"That's what I thought," I twiddle the spoon in my hand.

"Can I just say, that spoon really doesn't look intimidating until you have it,"he jokes uneasy.

"Yea, I don't care, but I'm going to bed I'm hella tired," I yawn. Exhaustion fully weighing in on me. Any second now I would pass out.

"Okay, night night, Vaeh," he says kissing my forehead.

"Ew, get off me," I laugh pushing him back.

"You love me," he calls as I leave him in the kitchen.

"Sadly, I do," I blow him a kiss, then jog up the stairs.

When I get in my room, I take a quick shower, and throw on one of Liam's shirts and some shorts. Once I'm dressed and clean I walk over to my dresser. I dig through all my meds until I have my sleeping pills. I have anxiety, antidepressants, sleep pills, of course, and a shit ton of pain killers. I take two, and drown down dry. Before I climb in my bed, I close my door and switch off my lights. Sleep, please come.

Alex POV

"Yo boss, I saw her with that new guy," I told my boss over the phone.

"What were they doing?" He asks angry.


He's silent on the other end. I hear things being slammed and thrown. "Where is she now?"

"Leaving his car."

"Okay, find out as much about this guy as you can, I don't trust him," he says.

"Okay," I hang up.

Shit. She's coming. I hide behind the wall and hear her walk in the kitchen. I hear her and Liam's conversation, only important thing I hear is that she really doesn't want anyone finding out. I go back upstairs, so she doesn't see me when she walks by. Just as I get up there I hear her walking up. I walk into my room, and text Him about her wanting to keep it lowkey.

After a few minutes I have to pee, I walk by her room. Her doors cracked open just enough for me to see her. She's digging through a drawer full of pill bottles. She take two with no water.

I run to the bathroom before she sees me and quickly call him.

"What?" He answers.

"She's a drug addict."



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