Never Say Never ''J.B oneshot written for me on quizilla''

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Name;Breanna Findley

Age; 16


Looks;long wavy dirty blonde hair, grey blue eyes, fair skin, athletic

Personality;sarcastic, scrapper, funny, kind, stubborn, tomboyish, understanding, wise

Likes;singing, writing, drawing, playing pranks, cracking jokes, helping others, animals, skateboarding

Dis-Likes- snobby people, girly stuff, abuse, weakness

Home Life/Family/History; Her father is in jail for abusing her. Her mom Darla works really hard for Breanna and her brother Brandon(13)

Extra Information;Is on tour with Justin Bieber and has a crush on him


You were sitting on the couch on the tour bus waiting for Justin to come back,It was after another concert the 6th one so far on this tour with 12 more to go. Of course you were happy to be on tour with 'The' Justin Bieber,Since the two of you were best friends he had always been there for you even at your worst. He was the only boy who ever seemed to understand you,Even after everything you had been through the two of you seemed like the perfect fit....Even to your mother and his ever since you were younger they had planned on the two of you getting together,But nobody had really planned for Justin to become famous. Not that it was A bad thing it helped him out A lot he deserved everything he had gotten since he is amazing and talented..He even got more then that though first it was Caitlin then Jasmine & Now it's Selena,Of course it's A lot more serious with her then it was the other two..That is what worried you, You see over the course of your friendship you had developed feelings for Justin..Heavy feelings ones that made your heart break each time you saw them kiss or even hold hands..You wished so bad that it was you he was kissing,but you'd never tell him that for fear of destroying the amazing friendship you two had created over the years..Something you cherished more then life itself. "Are you alright?" Justin's soothing voice broke your thoughts you looked up from the window and smiled weakly at the man you loved,He had grown so much over the years from an amazing boy to an amazing man and everyone saw it..Just not the way you did. "Yea,I'm fine"You lied easily you had done it A million times and how he hadn't seen through it was beyond you,Since he usually always could.. "Alright,Are you hungry?" He asked sitting next to you,with his usually dorky smile you giggled softly it was hard not to his smile always made you happy,And his hugs were the best! "Of course I am!"You teased he laughed and nodded He knew when you were in A good mood and usually when you were around him you were ALWAYS in A good mood...Until "Selena is gonna be at the next concert"He told you after telling the bus driver to go to the food place you felt the bus jerk forward and it felt like your heart had too..He never noticed the glares you gave her when they were together..Sure you were A fan of her music,but not of the way she looked at other guys..She was lucky to have Justin And you wished you did,but you knew you were lucky enough to just be his friend. "Hello You okay in there?"You jumped slightly and gazed at the worried Justin his brown eyes burned into your blue ones,You nodded afraid to speak knowing your voice would deseve you it always did..He pouted this time knowing you were lying he once again took the spot next to your own and wrapped his arm around you tugging you into his tight embrace,One that you loved and would never pull away from. "Tell me the truth Bre,I know something is wrong.."He was begging his tone worried yet sad you sighed softly and gazed up at him from the hug "Justin...."You trailed off with A small smile you loved saying his name "Yes?"He asked urging you to go on you frowned again,but spoke anyway "I just don't want you to ditch me is all"You muttered..That was only half true. He looked confused,but it seemed as though something clicked his head and he frowned which crushed you,You hated when he was sad "Bre..You know I would never ditch you Not for anyone..Not even Selena"He promised you smiled softly and nodded hugging him tightly he hugged you back just as tight you sat like that in his arms while he sang softly to you the whole way to get food,You loved his voice it was magical and always gave you butterflies you closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment never wanting it to end,but when the bus jerked to A stop you both sadly got up and went into the resturaunt which was crowded by camera's and fans so you hurried inside and grabbed A seat before getting handed meneu's you looked through yours wondering what to get while Justin did the same it was 5 minutes of silence before you both finally ordered,You and Justin never really needed to talk it was as if you could read eachother's minds it was pretty cool actually it had been that way for as long as you could remember..You ate in silence as well,before paying and quickly heading back to the bus blocking your eyes from all the flashes Justin took your hand in his and lead the way like he had done many times before,Just A touch from him..Sent your heart into panick and your body filled with amazing tingles. Once the doors closed you both landed on the couch with heavy sighs "They are crazy"You muttered looking out the window at all the paparazzi taking pictures still Justin laughed "Yea,They really are"He agreed you smiled and took your seat on the couch again "Wanna watch something?"He asked you nodded never saying no to that he looked through the movies while you sat back on the couch waiting patiently as he did so,Once he found one he put it into the dvd player and played it before taking his seat by yours,He of course had chosen A horror movie you loved em,but hated em at the same time. You were both laughing at the movie when your laugh was interupted by A rather large yawn causing Justin to yawn in return you laughed at him and he puppy glared back, "Your tired!"He teased you shook your head in defense "Am not!"You stated poking him he raised A brow then poked you back which started A poke war between the two of you,You were both laughing like crazy when you finally stopped to yawn again in tern making him yawn again and of course you laughed and he glared. "We should get some sleep"He suggested you nodded and both changed before heading to your bunks "Night Bre"He chimed "Night Justin"You crooned....But you couldn't sleep two hours later and you were still tossing and turning,Selena was gonna be around tomorrow which meant you were invisable..You sighed heavily not wanting to think about it,Your eyes were heavy,but they wouldn't stay closed and your body was achy,but it wouldn't stay still..So you decided to do what you always did when you couldn't sleep,You pulled the covers from your body and stepped onto the floor of the bus and headed toward Justin's bed.."Justin"You said softly He hummed softly turning toward you his eyes half open barley. "Can I sleep with you?"You asked nervously blushing even for something you've been doing for still drove you crazy being that close to him he smiled and nodded "Of course Come here"He beckoned pulling the blankets so you could get in so you did you layed down with him and he pulled you close and kissed your head you snuggled into him,He was always so warm and comfy and always smelled good too. "Night night Bre"He said sleepily you smiled "Nights Justin"You said in return before you finalyl dozed off in his arms.

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