Who's Your Baby Daddy?? .::Outsiders::.

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your babys father is steve randle!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit holy shit wat are u gonna do?? its been 2 months since u took the test. u decided to tell steve before someone else could. u were walking to the DX when you started to remeber how it happened. its was ur 1 month aniversiory and hes been asking for a little bit u loved him and he loved u so u guys........ he was under a car fixing it wen u walked in. you kicked his leg and said" hey steve we need to talk" he didnt come up he said baby ive gotta finish this 2day can we talk bout this later?" yougot kinda annoyed and decided to just say it "no it cant wait ,steve ,cuz im pregnant!" you said he came out from under neithe the car super fast. "ur wat, is it mine?" he asks in disbeilf "of course its ur, ur the only one that i......." you started to cry becuz it hurt that he tought that u were a whore. "i didnt mean it like that im sry" u started to walk away when he grabed your hand, pulled u in close and said "i love u i was gonna do this 2night but.... " he pulls out a ring gets down on 1 knee and says "_____ will u marry me" "steve ru serious o my gosh yes yes yes!!" he lifted u up and u kissed him he kissed back. u2 got married and the a week later the baby was deliver ed u had a baby girl named Massey Stella Randle

omfg im pregnant!!!!!!! darry and u have been dateingfor 5 years but we havent uno in a month cuz weve had to work . omg wat am i gonna tell him. i know that hes gonna stay with me atleast i hope, but i dnt want him to stay with cuz he has to. i want him to stay with me cuz he loves me. "hey darry" u saiatching him from the ground. he was on his roof fixing a leek. "u look so good fixing that roof" u put ur hand on over ur eyes to block out the sun. "o hey haha thanks, 1 ill be down on 1 sec" he climbed down a latter and gave u a big kiss u kissed bak "the boys are going out2nite wanna come over for a date?" "umm yea sure but ill b alittle late cuz i gotta drop something off firs....ok?" "yea sure no problem itll give me more time" Later than night u went over to the curtis house u opened the door and there was a singlr rose on the floor. u walked into the kitchen there was darry in thea tuxedo cooking pasta ucouldnt help but laugh. from behind a cabinate he pulled out a red dress for u to put. you changed and wen u came bak everything was set.while u were eating dinner darry proposed of course u said yes. rite after u told him u were pregnant.wen thegang came back they found u 2 makein out. whenthe baby came u were sleepin. darry carried u to sodas car and drove u to the hospital. u had twins 2 baby boys Darrle robert curtis and Andrew Thomas Curtis

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