Kozik One Shot Written For Me On Quizilla

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Thanks to UnderMySkin aka DaughterofAnarchy I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

This has mature content, so please, if you are not mature enough for it, or are uncomfortable by this type of content, just leave the page. Do not report it please, I work hard on these. I do not mean to offend, and it is easy to just leave the page. Thanks.

“No.” Alisson Trager snarled at Clay.

“Hunny, it’s only for a while.” Gemma tried to comfort the woman before Caly said anything about the matter.

“I don’t care what sort of babby-daddy conflict you guys have, he’s comin’ back. We need the muscle.” Clay stated, not budging for the woman in front of him.

“I don’t want to see him.” Alisson argued, not caving in. She didn’t care how long he was there; she didn’t want him there period.

“He’s arriving at noon.” Clay said the final words and then pushed out of his chair.

Looking back at Gemma. Alisson made a desperate face, “Gemma! I can’t face him. He can’t know about Jacy.”

“He has to figure out sometime, Kozik is her father. She deserves the right to know too.”

“She’s too young to know.”

“So then it shouldn’t be a problem sweetheart.” Gemma got up, kissed the top of Allison’s forehead and then headed out of the club to soak up some sun and talk to Clay.

Alisson placed her head in her hands, unsure of what she was going to do when Kozik returned. She knew that the club would not change their decision because she had previous conflict with the man. However, it was almost an extreme case; Kozik and her had been an item for a long time. Until he cheated on her twice. She was more than glad when he left town, even more so than Tig. However, she was pregnant, but Kozik was still unaware of his daughter. She made it through that without him, and allowed her life to get used to the fact he wasn’t there. She didn’t want him coming back and throwing everything off a notch or two.

But he was coming back. Whether she liked it or not. Tig plopped down next to her and looked over at her. The both of them were less than pleased with the sudden change which could cause a total flip in her life. Before Tig could speak, Alisson got up; not wanting to be at the club when Kozik arrived in a little less than an hour. Strolling out of the clubhouse, Alisson got into her car and headed to her house. When she arrived, she spotted an all too familiar Harley Davidson. Snarling, she parked her car and quickly walked up to the man who was leaning on her door way.

He had no right to be there, and he had no right to coming to her house or even speaking to her. With a strong force behind it, a few years of hatred behind it that is, and slapped him right in the jaw. She stared at him, hatred nearly pouring out of her. The slap released some of it, but it didn’t seem like enough for everything just yet.

“Ali…” Kozik started.

“Don’t call me that. You lost that privilege and more a long time ago.”

Kozik sighed but didn’t lower his gaze from those sea blue eyes. He skin looked so touchable and he wanted to kiss those lips. He knew he lost that privilege as well though. He had made many mistakes in the past, and he never expected Alisson to forgive him, but he did want to come and say he was sorry now that he had the chance.

Alisson pulled her long, dirty blonde hair back and over her shoulder, suddenly feeling small in his presence. She refused to smile, even though he was looking down at her with a familiar look in his eyes. He longed for her, and she couldn’t help but feel similar. Everything in her mind was telling her no, but everything in her body was telling her yes. Kozik seemed to be able to see this in her eyes, and he leaned in to kiss her.

The spark that the kissed caused was more than the two had ever felt before. It was an amazing feeling that left Alisson and Kozik alike craving more. The feelings and history behind them seemed to fall away from their minds, and all they were was the present. The emotions that went along with only staying in the present were only lust and longing. Alisson pressed her lips to Kozik’s again, and then reached for the door handle. Opening her front door, the two of them walked inside; well, stumbled inside since they refused to let their lips part. Within a short moment Alisson had her legs wrapped easily around Kozik’s waist. This was easy since he was strong and she was small.

He pressed her back against the door and unbuckled his jeans. It was so clear that this was what the both of them wanted. Moving fast paced and keeping things heated, Alisson was glad that the summer heat caused her to wear a skirt. With his knife, Kozik cut her panties off and tossed them to the floor. Alisson removed her shirt quickly and allowed her breasts to be free for Kozik’s pleasure. Her back against the door and Kozik pressed hard against her was what was mostly holding her up, so Kozik removed one hand from under her thighs and clutched her left breast longingly.

Shifting her hips so they were angled to his needs, he slipped himself inside of her. Biting her lip, but a moan still escaped, Alisson let the pleasure wash over her and take over any other feelings that her body was keeping hidden. She clutched onto his shoulder, bringing his upper body in to hers, and then ran her other hand through his hair roughly. She wanted to feel all of him all over again, as if for the first time. And that is what she did.

The feeling of her hands over his skin, roughly and gently touching his body and his hair, was something that with every other woman he never felt that way. He only ever wanted her, and he regretted all his previous decisions. As they moved in perfect pace, feeling the emotions they had before, but so much more intense now; it was like a whole new experience with him. Alisson leaned her head back and let Kozik’s name slip from her mouth multiple times. Hearing it come from her mouth sounded so right again, and she felt like this was a dream.

Moaning one last time as she let her orgasm take over, making her body tingle and shake in pleasure, Alisson felt so satisfied. Kozik too let himself go, panting and sweating hard. Their sweat made them stick and slip all at the same time. As he pulled out and let her put her legs down, he kept a careful arm around her to ensure that she could stand. She leaned against the door and smiled up at him, letting all thoughts of before disappear from her mind.

“Welcome home.” She said to him.

Kozik smiled, loving the sound of it.

“By the way… you have a daughter.” She told him, biting her lip and waiting for his response.

At first it was shock, but he smiled brightly at her, slamming his lips to her once again.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think! Please message and rate!

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