#4 boyfriend?!

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(Next day/Elise's pov)

It's 11:00 am just 1 hour and then Starbucks, Jaimy is coming with me, she needed to come to the studio too.
I decided to wear the bracelet that Max gave me. Me and Max have been bestfriends Since I was 8 (so he was 11), he also knows Jaimy and they are also bestfriends but not as long as Max and I. "Elise!!" Jaimy screams. "Yes?!" I reply. "Brad just texted me, can he come with us?" Jaimy really likes Bradley. "Yeah I think that would be fine, he also sings." "True"
"I wil ask Max just in case"
I scroll down my contacts 'till is see Maximillian❤😜

E: Hey Maximillian, is it okay if a friend of Mine and Jaimy comes with us? He is in a band, The Vamps don't know if you know them.

I wait for a reply, a few minutes later I get one.

M: Sure that's fine! I love The Vamps they are super nice!

E: Okay! (Jaimy has a crush on Bradley btw. Don't tell him, or Jaimy I said that k?)

M: REALLY lol I won't😉

E: see you in a few minutes❤☺️

M: see ya❤😜

"Hey Jaimy, Brad can come"
"K great"
And now we wait.

-12:00- at starbucks-

"MAXIMILLIAN!!" I scream as soon as I see him.
"ELSA!!" He screams back. We run to eachother for a hug and just hug for like 5 minutes. (This is what Max looks like)

"Cough cough other people are here too you know

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"Cough cough other people are here too you know." Jaimy says. "JAIJAI!!" Max screams and then hugs her. "Brad, my bro" Max says and just high-give eachother. "Let's go inside" I say.
We all get our drinks and sit down. "So Max how long are you staying in London?" I ask. "I don't really kno-" I cut him of. "How is Stephanie btw?" Stephanie is his girlfriend. "We broke up." He says and he looks sad. "I'm so sorry, what happend? You guys lived together right" I say. "We had a really big fight, she's still in our, wel her house, in The Netherlands and I'm now homeless." "I'm so sorry to hear." "You could stay with us 'till you have a house, we have a spare bedroom." Jaimy says. "Yeah you can!" I say. "Thanks girls, you sure I can?" "Of course, you're our bestfriend!" Jaimy says. "Thanks so much." I hear the door of the shop open and see Joe come in. "Hey Joe!" I say and wave at him. "Come sit here!" Jaimy adds. Joe takes his drink and sitts next to Brad. "Hi guys." He says and looks at Max. "oh yeah! Joe this is Max, Max this is Joe. Max is the Son of my music producer." I say. "Nice to meet you Joe." "Nice to meet you too." "Guys I need to go to the toilet, be back in a sec." Jaimy says and she's off. "Sooooooo Brad have you asked her out yet?" I ask, since we are here they have been talking to eachother alot! "Uuhm, yesihavebutdon'ttellherisaidthat." He says really quickly. "Sorry what?" Joe asks. "I have but don't tell her I told you she wanted to keep it a secret." Brad says. I want to open my mouth and scream from happiness but Max puts his hand on my mouth to stop me. "MAX THAT WAS GROSS!" "It's just a hand calm down!" He says as he kisses my head in a friend way. All the boys laugh. I look at Joe to see that he's confused and kinda sad at the same time, I wonder why. "I uhmm need to go to the toilet aswell." Joe says and he runs off, Jaimy comes back. "What's up with Joe it looked like he was going to cry or something." She says. "I wil go and check." I say and I'm off

(Joe's pov)
I'm in the restroom looking at myself in the mirror, am I really going to cry over a girl that has a boyfriend? I mean I like her alot, she's funny and goodlooking and everything! Joe what are you thinking she has a boyfriend! She wil never like you!
I walk out of the restroom and bump into Elise. Sh*t I think to myself. "Joe What's going on?" She asks, I like her that's what going on but I'm not saying that! "It's nothing." I lie. "Don't lie just tell me, you can tell me everything." "You really wanna know?" "Yes now tell me" "promise not to laugh or get angry" "promise!" "I-I-I like y-you, but you have a boyfriend" I say and run off.

(Elise's pov)
Did Joe just say that he likes me? And that I have a boyfriend? I don't get it, I like him too but I don't have a boyf- Max. How can I be so stupid! He thinks Max is my boyfriend!
I walk back to Jaimy, Brad and Max. I only see Max though. "Where is everybody?" I ask. "Jaimy and Brad are off to your house, I got a text from my dad you guys don't have to sing today." "Oh, random." "Wanna go to the park?" "Yeah lets go!" I say. We quickly order some juice from Starbucks and walk to the park. I take a picture and post it on Instagram. (Left is Mine, right is Max his drink)

@gameshizzle: Starbucks in the park with @max

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@gameshizzle: Starbucks in the park with @max.johnson❤💫

I look at the reply's
@shizzle_queen: IS MAX YOUR BOYFRIEND? #ELAX
@randomfangirl_1: Who's Max?
@max.johnson: Yayy!! Love youu❤😉
@singinglove: besties😘

My fans don't know Max, he is always behind the scenes

"Hey, I see you're wearing my bracelet." Max says. "Yeah, of course I love it." I say. "Glad to hear!"

I hear my ringtone.
(That's a Dutch song it's called tempo and I love it!)
I see that Conor is calling. I answer.

E: Hey Con What's up?

C: Hey Joe is here, do you have a boyfriend?

E: No I don't

C: then Who's this Max guy?

E: my bestfriend

C: anyway, Joe is really upset. What do I say?

E: tell him that Max is not my boyfriend.

C: Elise, Joe really likes you!

E: I know he told me, and to be honest I like him too. Tell him that! I have to go Con bye!

C: byee!!

"Boyfriend?" Max asks. I tell him about everything Joe said. "Wow hard." He says. "I know" "hey, I was thinking of what you said about making a YouTube video." "And?" "Let's do it!"

-time skip-back home-
As soon as we walk in we hear Jaimy and Brad laugh. "Okay let's go to my room." I whisper to Max. "Good idea." He whispers back.

We are in my room and set everything up for the video. We're going to do a QnA. "Max can you ask people to send questions? With my phone btw" "yeah sure. What's your code?" "The year we met." "That's so sweet." "I know" I say, we laugh. "How 'bout this? I'm doing a QnA with @max.johnson so send me some questions!!" "That sounds amazing!" I say. "Aaannddd tweet!" He says

I start the recording and do my intro....

Long chapter again😂
What's going on between Jaimy and Bradley?
Joe loves Elise and Elise loves him back? What wil happen!!!
And this Max guy, moving in with the girls.
Hope you liked this chapter
If you did let me know! Leave ideas in the comments and I wil see you later

XX Elise😂🤘🏻

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