Chapter 1

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A/N: If you do not understand any of the keys then feel free to check the keys chapter

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
Something cold was around my neck. Something sticky was around wrists'. Something wet was falling from my eyes'. Something puffy was on my (A/T) ears. I couldn't smell anything. Then something else was in my mouth that I couldn't rip through with my teeth. And something black covered my eyes. All my senses were cut off.

It was painful. My mind felt weak. I felt weak. I felt empty. I felt broken. As if my mind was violated.

How long has it been? How long have I been here? Would those questions be answered?

Cuts were all over my body as blood came out of the cuts and fell to the floor with a quiet drip. I just wanted the pain to end. I felt myself hit the cold floor as my conscience slowly left me.

Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

I came into a room to see a chained female on the floor.

From what I could see was that maybe only four of her senses were cut off.

Her eyes' covered with a black blindfold, vision.

A blindfold was in her mouth and tied to the back of her head, taste.

There were puffy headphones in her (A/T) ears where I'm guessing was where she hears from, hearing.

There were multiple layers of duct tape on her wrist's, touch.

But one sense I didn't know if it was cut off was her smell.

I found pity in this. Although yes I can easily kill her and keep her organs for dinner for another day. There's something about her.

I then realized. Her heartbeat. It's going slower than it's supposed to be.

All the other maids that live here had rooms filled with only a normal human could wish for. But this one. She has a room with no window. And her room only had a laptop and things that can be used to harm someone physically and mentally on a long silver table.

I then dropped my bag filled with organs and went looking for that man's room. I then saw his dead body on his bed. Empty without any organs, which I ignored knowing where they were. I then saw his key rack with at least 10 keys on it. I picked up all the keys and ran back to that room.

I laid her so that she was on her back and not her chest.

I then tried 9 of the keys first. None of them worked. There was now only one left. I put it in the keyhole and moved the key. Left right, left again. Then a quiet *click* could be heard. The chain then opened slightly so I put my covered thumbs on the small opening. After pulling it opening for a little I picked up her head slightly. I then allowed the chain to fall onto the floor with a loud *clunk*.

I first removed the blindfold from her eye's and mouth. It left a red mark on her lips and around her eyes. As if it had been left there for weeks.

I then pulled out my scalpel and cut the tape from her wrist. Her wrist as well was red due to it begin there for so long or because of how tight it was.

I then removed the puffy headphones from her (E/C) (N/T) ears.

I then carried her to one of the other girl's room and laid her on the bed. I then looked around the room and went into the bathroom hoping to find a first aid kit. After had been searching for so long I finally found one. I then came out of the bathroom and started to clean her up.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I woke up but this time when I opened my eye's I didn't see black but I actually saw that I was in Makaya's room. Wait in Makaya's room! How did I even get here in the first place?!

I started moving around as my ears then twitched as I heard a deep almost monotone voice speak.

"Don't move so much you'll open your wounds." Commanded the voice. The voice was filled with so much boldness yet it almost sounded monotone.

I turned around and looked at the door entrance. All I saw was a navy blue mask with what looked to be 2 empty eyeless sockets with black tears dripping down the mask. He as well had on a black hoodie, black pants, and black converse.

"Who are you?!" I asked in shock looking at him as my (E/C) ears fell flat on my head.

"Now, now I'll be asking the questions." He stated sitting on the sofa across from me. "First where are we?"

"Where on the hill near (H/T/N)," I said trying my best not to show fear, but I knew deep inside that fear was the only emotion I have felt for years. And I was feeling it right now.

"Alright then, what day is it today?" He asked.

I then turned my head to look at Makaya's calendar to see that the only day not crossed out was 31. "Today is the 31st of October," I said. My ears were not down anymore but up twitching listening for any movement.

"First, what's your name and how are you related to that man?" He asked pointing to a picture that has my master, the other 6 maids, and me.

"My name is (Y/F/N) also know as The Strange Maid, and that man is my master who's real name is Felix," I stated.

"Hm master so you're a maid? So why were you chained in an empty room while the other girls have rooms filled with normal stuff people would like?" He asked.

"Due to me begin a strange begin and not like the others who are normal and obedient I get fewer things than others," I said speaking the truth fear was now not the only thing on me but now sadness was covering my eyes as I bit my lip trying not to cry at the memory's.

"Hm well then here." He throws me a bag. "Here go ahead and get some stuff from the other people here but make sure to pack light." He said.

I nodded and first went to Lilly's room she was the sweet one.

I then found her dead body. I gasped as I covered my mouth. A horrible taste was now threatening to come out as I looked at her body. I then put a cover over her and looked for stuff.

I first went towards her clothes. She and I wear the same size. How do I know? Well, she isn't called the sweet one for anything. When she saw my clothes were dirty one day she gave me some new clothes and some pads just in case. I looked through her room and got out some clothes that could last me some months. And I made sure to get some pads just in case. I then headed back to where that male thing is.

"Done," I stated.

"Alright then look don't freak out when I do this okay. I'm not going to do anything okay." He said as he pulled out the duct tape.

Oh no, oh no oh no oh no oh n-

"Again I won't hurt you this is just to make sure you don't attack me." He said wrapping it around my wrists. He then carried the backpack for me. He then started walking so I followed him.

We then went into my master or in other words Felix's car. Wait for a second, he saved me. After years of begin tormented, he freed me. Well kinda.

"By the way, my name's E.J" He mentioned.

Well good to know. I beg to the stars don't let him be like my last master, Felix.

Shout Out: EchoInDarkness
She is a wonderful and talented writer so if you wish to read someone's work with wonderful description and character build.

Published: Apr 2, 2017
First Edit: Apr 3, 2017
Second Edit: May 14, 2017
Third Edit: May 31, 2017
Fourth Edit: June 18, 2017

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