Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


E.J's P.O.V
I carried (Y/N) in my arms as she breathed in and out at a slow pace. I opened the door and carried her up to her room. I laid her on her bed as she continues to hold onto my arm.

"Seems like you made up with her." I looked back at the entrance to see A.R leaning against the doorframe.

"Ya, I did I guess," I said looking back at (Y/N) and her sleeping figure.

"Well I'm gonna go get some food for (Y/N) and I, is there anything specific that you want?" She asked.

"Why are you begin nice?" I asked her.

"Hm, begin nice? I'm just acting like I normally act now do you have anything you want?" She asked again.

"Can you get me some kidneys?" I asked her.

"Healthy and tasty or any?" She asked.

"Wait, what?" I asked looking at her.

"Don't you notice, the healthy humans always have the tastiest and the unhealthy have less blood and taste bitter." She stated.

"Healthy," I responded. "Wait before you leave help me with this," I commanded pointing to (Y/N) to was clinging onto my arm.

"Okay." With that she pushed me onto the bed as (Y/N) the wrapped her arms around my waist.

"This is not helping!" I shouted at her.

"You didn't say help get her off you I thought you needed help sleeping with her." She said running out of the room.

I sighed and looked at her sleeping figure as her chest went up and down at a slow pace. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her.


3rd Person
"I'm back!" Shouted A.R as she dropped the bags of kidneys, food, water, and more onto the floor. "I also got a phone in case we need a make an escape of some sort!" She shouted.

She then ran up to (Y/N)'s room and opened the door to see the two sleeping figures together in one bed. Smirking lightly she pulled out the victim's phone and took a picture of the two.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see that I had my arms around and that he had his arms around me. An obvious blush appeared across my cheeks.  

"Need help?" I looked up to see A.R smirking slightly.

I nodded yes.

"Alright." She said.

I felt her out her hand around my ankle and pull me from E.J. She then dropped my foot.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Yup, anyways do you know how to cook?" She asked.

I then looked and noticed the apron that was on her.

"You don't know how to cook?" I asked her standing up.

"Nope, my parents never taught me how." She responded.

"Alright let's go," I said grabbing her wrist and pulling her into the kitchen.


"Thanks for teaching me!" Shouted A.R smiling.

"My pleasure," I responded as she washed the dishes. "Why don't you eat the food you made before it gets cold," I said pushing the plate a little as to prove my point further.

"Fine." She placing the plate that was in her hands back into the sink and sitting down.

"You two are already awake?" Asked E.J as he leaned against the wall of the kitchen.

"Yup." Responded A.R as she took a bite into the pancake. "Oh, and your kidneys are in the fridge E.J." Said A.R as gulped down the piece of pancake.

"Thanks." Mumbled E.J as he walked over to the fridge.

Published: May 28, 2017

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