Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Littlest Feeling
{Close to the end of the chapter was inspired by the song above feel free to check it out}


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I placed E.J on the boat.

"Oh, thank god," I said to myself.

I placed E.J's head on my lap and placed my hand on his chest. His chest was moving up and down at a good pace.

I smiled softly and adjusted his mask so that it was all the way on. I then touched my lips. I lost my first kiss to this monster.

I smiled softly at his peaceful state and started playing with his dark brown hair. It was soft surprisingly. The waves were hitting the boat at a soft pace.

How would I alone be able to move the boat and keep E.J above the water?

"E.J please wake up," I begged to him my voice desperate.

"Ugh." He said starting wake up a little.

"E.J!" I shouted hugged him.

"Gah!" He said surprised.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said removing my arms from him.

"What happen?" He asked.

Does he not remember? Wait, does he even remember the... It wasn't a kiss (Y/N) stop begin stupid he only did it to make sure you're alive. But why?

"Nothing really," I said nonchalantly as possible.

"You're lying, first I remember only a little bit." He confirmed rubbing his head.

"What do you remember?" I asked.

"I remember the boat flipping over and I held onto you then...I kissed you?" He stated or rather asked.

"Um ya then you fainted so I brought you up and placed you on the boat I would have flipped the boat but I didn't want to risk dropping you too deep into the ocean," I started blushing at the fact he did remember the kiss.

(Y/N) you stupid monster stop thinking why would you want this monster to love you? Especially considering he would never love you.

"Why are your cheeks pink, are you sick?" He asked.

"What! N-no." I said looking at my lap.

Stop blushing you monster!

Why am I stupid. Such a little thing and I'm making a big deal about it. But it had so much feeling behind it how can I not think about it? I asked myself.

I then threw myself into the ocean E.J's empty eyes widened at this sudden movement.

I allowed the ocean to hit my skin as I entered the ocean. I then swam up and stayed floating at the top of the water near the boat.

I opened my eye's to see the bright full moon.

"Mama, will someone kiss me like dad does with you?" Asked a young (H/C) haired girl.

"Of course sweetie your so pretty so many boys will want to kiss you, hug you, or even hold your hand." Said my mother smiling at me. 

"Really?! Someone at my school told me no one would ever kiss me not even a monster." I responded.

-End Of Flashback-

I chuckled softly. Wish they were here so that I could prove them wrong. Even this eyeless monster made sure that I stayed alive.



"You coming on the boat." I looked up to see E.J on the boat as it was now upwards.

"Yup," I said going on the boat.

I shook my ears and tail as it ruffled a little bit because of the water.

Such a little feeling in me, yet what is it even?
 asked myself as E.J started the boat.

I looked at the moon as it's light shined on my face I leaned into my palm.

Littlest feelings.....

Published: May 7, 2017
First Edit: May 14, 2017
Second Edit: June 19, 2017

Disclaimer: None of the animation or songs belongs to me they belong to their rightful owner.

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