Chapter 8: Forming Plans and Fighting Back

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    Later that night, as Tim and Tygra were waiting for the others to arrive in Tim's newly cleaned room, Tim thought about what would happen if they were caught doing what they were planning to do. If the General finds out about this before we're through, the boys and I will be court marshaled and Tygra and the others will be sent to Area 51 to be studied and dissected, he thought as he leaned against the kitchen door frame. Tim looked at the clock on the wall, it read 10:32pm. He straightened up and stretched, lifting his arms up over his head and yawning.

"It won't be long now, Tim," Tygra said from where he was sitting on the couch.

"I know that. I just wish they'd hurry up and get here, cause the sooner they get here the sooner they leave," Tim replied, walking across to him.

"What's wrong, Tim?" Tygra asked, looking at him in concern.

"I'm worried is all," Tim answered, not looking at him.

"Worried about what?" Tygra asked, looking over at him.

"That all this is going to blow up in our faces," Tim confessed, wrapping his arms around himself.

"That's not going to happen," Tygra answered confidently.

"How do you know that? How do you know that the General didn't tell me that just so we'd do what we're doing now?!" Tim asked, his voice rising with each word.

"Tim, calm down," Tygra replied, holding his hands up in a calming gesture.

"I am calm!" Tim shouted at him.

"No, you're not, you are going to give yourself a panic attack," Tygra said matter-of-factually, slowly getting up and walking towards him.

"Alright," Tim replied, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath and releasing it before opening his eyes again.

"Better?" Tygra asked, watching him.

"Yeah. Sorry for spazzing out just a minute ago," Tim apologized, looking away from Tygra embarrassingly.

"It's alright, you had a reason too," Tygra said, accepting his apology.

"I know, but I shouldn't have blown up at you like that," Tim answered, still feeling bad for yelling at Tygra for no reason.

"Come, sit down and try to get comfortable," Tygra said before turning and going over to the couch and sitting down again. Tim nodded and followed after him.

    Tygra wrapped his left arm around Tim's shoulders and pulled him close. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Tim's thoughts kept circling around each other before coming to rest on one image. Of Tygra and the others being locked in cells and strapped to exam tables being poked and prodded and injected with different chemicals and drugs. And of the boys, himself, and the others standing before a judge in a courtroom being Court Marshaled for what they had participated in. And the General sitting in his chair, smirking at them and folding his hands across his stomach and leaning back in his chair, very satisfied with what was going on. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the images out of his mind.

     Tim moved closer to Tygra and laid his head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat while they continued to wait on the others. Tygra looked down at Tim and thought, I have to protect him no matter the cost to myself. Then Tygra had a realizing thought, He's quickly becoming my world. Tygra hoped that their plan would work because if it didn't, then he and his friends would become test subjects and Tim and his brothers and the ones who had helped them would be in great danger. Tygra felt that Tim was almost asleep when there was a knock on the door, he watched as Tim got up and went to the door and opened it.

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