Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It started out like any other day at Fort Hardy, the military base just outside of Dallas, Texas. The officers were up and starting the day; some were off to the Mess Hall to get breakfast while others were off to start their duties. One young man in particular was making his way to the Mess Hall. His name was Timothy Larson, he's twenty-one-years-old, has short brown hair, and has hazel eyes.

He walked through the swinging double doors of the Mess Hall and looked around for his two older brothers, David and Nathan; he spotted them in the far right corner of the room. He picked up a tray and got into the breakfast line; he looked down at the food that was being put onto his tray and thought, I really hate Army food. He sighed before picking his tray up and heading towards his brothers. Once he got there, he sat down opposite Nathan who had blond hair and ice blue eyes. Just as he was taking a bite, Nathan said, "Morning, Sunshine."

"Shut it, Nate," Tim said around the piece of egg in his mouth.

"OOO, he's testy this morning," Nathan said, loving to tease his younger brother.

"Knock it off, Nate," said the other man sitting on Nate's left.

"But David-" Nate started to protest.

"Don't argue with me, Nathan," David warned, not looking up from his tray of food. Nathan didn't say anything, he just slouched lower in his chair and pouted.

Tim rolled his eyes at his brothers and went back to ignoring them. He sat there thinking about the night before and the strange dream he had.


He was at the old abandoned town that was about two miles from the Fort. Tim remembered slowly walking down what was once Main Street, and looking all around, wondering what he was doing there. He was about halfway down when he heard a roaring sound and looked up into the sky and saw this odd looking spacecraft come hurtling toward the opposite end of Main Street. He saw it crash, skid along the ground for a hundred yards, and then stop. Tim had to cover his face to keep sand and dirt out of his eyes, nose, and mouth that the craft had blown up when it had landed. It took a moment for it to settle, but when it did, Tim saw that it was a giant ship, and that it had an weird symbol on its side. Just as he was walking towards it, a door opened and out stepped four people, at least he thought that they were people, but he knew that they weren't because they were just too different to be regular human beings.

They looked like four of the big cats: the panther, the cheetah, the lion, and the tiger. For some reason that he couldn't explain, Tim felt drawn to the man who looked like the tiger, like there was a connection between them of some sort. Tim shook his head to clear it and once he did that, he noticed that they were all wearing some type of uniform. From where he was, Tim thought there was three men and one woman, all with their own differences.

The one who looked like the panther was tall and powerfully built. He had broad shoulders, a barrel chest, a narrow waist, and legs that looked like Oak trees. His eyes were a muddy hazel and slitted, just like a cat's, he was bald and his face was sort of oval shaped, and he had the stubble of a beard on the lower part of his jaw. Under his eyes were black triangular marks that started just under his eyes and came to a point just about level with both sides of his nose. His uniform was a two piece; the top was a light blue and looked like a muscle shirt, but with thinner straps, the bottoms were a couple shades darker than his top and looked like a speedo, but was wider and looser. And his boots came up to his knees; they were pointed at the toes and were the same color as the bottoms. He had a belt on, and on it was the same symbol as their ship had.

The woman who looked like the cheetah was tall and lithe. She was slightly muscular, curved in all the right places, and she had light spots on her arms and legs. Her face was angular, her hair was dark blond with spots in it and was braided on the lower left side. Her eyes were a light hazel and slitted and around them was orange that extended halfway between her face and her ears and under her eyes there was black that started in the lower corners of her eyes and extended to where the orange was. Her uniform was a light orange leotard, her boots were the same color, and she wore bracers on her wrists. On the neckline of her uniform and in the middle, she too had the symbol.

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