Chapter 5: More Trouble

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Gidget's Pov

"Do you live here?" Max asked me.

"No, you do," I replied.

"I do? I don't remember that."

I know you don't.

"Let's get inside. Duke should be here."

"Is he also my owner?"

"No. He's your stepbrother."

"Oh. Well, I wonder what he's like."

We walked in through the window, and I saw Duke sleeping. Yeah, not gonna cut it.

"Duke!" I yelled.

"Ah! Wha!? Who!? I'm up!" he shouted, in surprise.

"It's me."

"Oh. Max you better get her under control. She almost gave me a heart attack."

Max looked at him confused.

"Duke can I speak with you alone?" I asked politely.

"Okay?" he replied.

I had us head outside on the steps.

"Max has memory loss," I said.

"What!?" he yelled.

"I know, I know. It's crazy. He fell down the stairs and hit his head a couple times on the way down, and now he doesn't remember a thing."

"Wow. How?"

"He, uh, was kinda, staring at me," I blushed.


"He said he was mesmerized by my beauty, hehe."

"...Really? That's why?"


"Would that be kinda your fault?"

"...Don't make me hurt you. You have to keep Max on your watch list from now on, until he gets better."

"So I have to watch him, while we are being watched by our body guards, who are also watching out for a deadly gang? Great. The world makes sense to me alright."

"Quit that sarcastic tone. I'm serious."

"I'm serious, too. And how are we gonna have him get better, huh?"

"Snowball said have him do the things he likes and dislikes then somehow the kind will start remembering all those things."

"Alright makes sense."


We looked towards the window.

"Max probably broke something," I sighed.

We walked inside to see a broken base, but Max was gone!

"What! Where did he go!?" I shouted.

"The door is unlocked!" Duke said.

The door was slightly creaked open, with the locked picked.

"Oh no."

Oh man. Max has been kidnapped! Where did they go!? What's gonna happen to him!? Read and find out. I think this story is going pretty well so far. Hope you guys like this chapter. Thank you guys for your support. Give me feedback on how you think it's going. Leave a comment, and I'll talk to you all later.

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