Chapter 9: Get Out

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Snowball's Pov

"Hey! You're not allowed to be in here!" a guard shouted.

I knocked him out with a hit to the noggin. "Don't worry. We have guest passes."

"But we're unwelcomed," said Duke, whispering.

"Duke, oh my God! I will slap you!"

"Shush! Let's not let them know where we are!" Mike shouted/whispered.

We entered the prison area, and it was a long hallway of them.

"Oh great," said Duke, rolling his eyes. "This is gonna take forever."

"Guess each of us will just have to check every single one then," said Mike.


"Alright. Everyone split up," I said.

We each split up to check for the cell that held Max, but something happened.

All the cells began opening.

"Uh, was that a good idea, Mike?" Gidget asked.

"Um, that...wasn't me," he replied, confused.

Soon enough all the cells were fully opened.

"Max! You in here!?" yelled Gidget, wanting to get a response.

But the only response was all these decrepit and dangerous looking animals walking out of their cells, and their attention on us.

We all stood frozen.

Well except...

"Hi! I'm Gidget!"



"...Okay you don't care. Um, have any of you seen a Jack Russell Terrier named Max here?"

Still no silence.

"What are they, deaf?" I said, slightly annoyed.

I must've insulted them because they all snarled at us.

Then...slow clapping came from Mike.

"Wow," he said, still slow clapping. "Classic Snowball back at it again with them insults."

He sighed, stopping and shaking his head. "Max would be SO PROUD!!!

"Shut up Mike!" I yelled.

Then the animals attacked.

"Are y'all ready to fight!?"


I looked behind me to see them all running.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I yelled chasing after them.


Max's Pov

I look in horror of my friends running for their lives as a swarm of inmates chase after them. My fear for their lives rising by the second.

And Fifi is just...laughing.

"I haven't seen such an entertainment for so long! Ha ha! Whoever let those inmates out are getting a promotion!" she said, catching her breath. "How 'bout you, Maxy?"

"You are utterly insane!" I shouted at her.

She smacked her lips. "Oh don't worry about it. You'll get used to it."

"No I won't! Cause I'm not staying here with you!"

She snarled. "It doesn't seem like you have a choice. Doesn't it?"

I growled.

Dang it, she's right, I thought to myself. I'm stuck here and my friends are in trouble.

I sighed. "Please guys. Make it out alive."


Mike's Pov

"Keep running and don't stop!" I yelled.

"Like that ain't obvious, Captain!" said Snowball.

"Guys! Dead end!" Gidget yelled.

We all stopped dead in our tracks.

"Let's go back another direction!" Duke shouted.

"Uh, it's kinda too late for that," Snowball replied.

We turned around to see the inmates finally caught up to us. All of them looking like they're about to kill.

"We're cornered," I said.

"Well how do we get out!?" asked Duke.

"...There's no way out."

" this it?" asked Gidget, quietly.

I lowered my head. "I'm afraid so."

The inmates slowly crept up on us.

"It's been an honor and my greatest pleasure to have you as my friends." I tipped my hat, waiting for the end.

Everyone else closed their eyes and lowered their heads waiting like me.

And as they began to strike at us...

Chapter 9 is uppity up. *inhales then exhales deeply* Don't you just love cliffhangers? (I'm guessing most of you don't? Lol) Anyways, it's obvious that Max wasn't in the cells. The four of them just ran into a suicide. And if it wasn't obvious enough, Fifi had the cells opened for their demise. And then... cliffhanger. So hoped you enjoyed this chapter. It's been awhile since I've updated this story, so I'm glad that I did. Thank you for over 1,000 reads in here as well. Love you guys. Thank you for your support. Leave a comment, and I'll talk to you all later.

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