Chapter 8: Intruders

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Gidget's Pov

"Hehe, hey guys, y'all good'?" asked Snowball.

The members of the Street Dogs snarled at us.

"...I guess not. Run!"

We all then ran as fast as possible from the the dogs. One of them were gaining on us.

"They're catching up!" yelled Duke.

We turned a corner, but ended up at a dead end.

"Uh oh," Snowball said.

The Street Dog members cornered us.

"What are we gonna do!?" asked Duke.

"Well," Mike started, "I guess we're gonna have to-."

But instead of waiting to see what happened, I rolled my eyes, pounced at them, and then...

A Couple of Beatings Later...

The Street Dog members were in a pile knocked out by me, of course. The boys looked at me with shock.

"...Remind me not to get on your bad side," Mike said.

They all agreed.

I laughed. "Come on! We have to find Max!"

"Okay, but first before you "jump before you leap", we need to know where we have to go first," said Duke.

"Or we can hope for the best and look around," I said.

"That's kinda dangerous."

"We're already in enemy territory."


"How about we go down there," said Snowball, pointing straight forward to a sign that said "Prison Cells".

Duke and I chuckled with nervousness.

"Well...didn't see that," I said.

"Max has to be in there somewhere. Let's go, and keep quiet. They know we're here."

We entered the cell area.

Max's Pov

I woke up to the sounds of barking. Dogs were running around looking for something, or is it someone?

I noticed the guard dog walking up to my cell, opening it.

"Get up! Your needed," said the guard.

"What's going on?" I asked him, standing up.

"There are intruders, so our leader  wants to make sure you don't escape."

Intruders? I thought. Then that could only me one thing...

"It's about time you guys," I said to myself.

The guard shoved me in front of him.

"Get moving!" he said.

I groaned and walked ahead to where ever he was taking me. We walked up a staircase leading to a big door. The door opened and I saw Fifi and a couple of body guards.

"Why hello Max," she said, "how was your time in prison?"

"Pfft, why do you care?" I asked.

"Well, I need to know how my boyfriend feels to make our relationship grow."

"I'm not your boyfriend! How many times do I have to tell you that!?"

She sighed heavily. Then she walked up to my face and slapped me hard enough for my head to turn to the side.

"That is no way to treat your future mate."

"I told you...I...don't...LOVE YOU!!! I love Gidget! And when my friends get here, you'll be sorry!"

She chuckled. "...Oh Max. But you're wrong. If your friends do come here, they will be sorry."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"It will be all over Max. You can just accept that we are meant for each other. I have more than that weak Pomeranian has. She doesn't deserve you. You'll soon realize it."

I felt paws grab my shoulders.

"But for now, sit back and relax. Because this will be the end of your friends, The Flushed Pets, and that white Pomeranian."

She laughed evilly.

Guys, please hurry up, I thought. I don't know how long I'll stand this crazy chick.

Chapter 8 is finished. This girl is really on Max! Oh geez! So, Snowball, Gidget, Duke, and Mike have been spotted by a couple of Street Dogs. Now everyone in the facility knows about there whereabouts. Max is with Fifi and he might lose his mind? XD. So hope you guys like this chapter. Thank you guys for your support. Leave a comment, and I'll talk to you all later.

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