Chapter 3

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The air in Virginia was much cooler than in London. The fall weather was very settling and I loved hearing the crunching of the leaves as we drove to Tyson's Corner. Amy said it was one of the most popular malls in Northern Virginia. I honestly could care less about the mall, I was only going to please Amy.

"Isn't the weather here just amazing!" Amy exclaimed as she parked in the large parking lot. It was only 10:00 am but half the lot was already full. There were many teenagers hanging out outside the mall, some even smoking weed out in public.

"Sure. At least until Winter comes along.." I mumble. I'm really trying to be the daughter that Amy and Chris had wanted me to be. I want to be one of the girls who love shopping and dress to impress, but I can't bring myself to be them.

As we walk around the mall, I can't help but feel self-conscious. The girls here were beautiful, wearing fashionable shorts and blouses, while I was just wearing a simple tee with skinny jeans. I silently praise myself for actually brushing my hair today.

I spot an Abercrombie store up close and decide that's where i'm going. There clothes are acceptable, not to over the top or expensive. Unfortunately, Amy wants to go into the huge Victoria's Secret store upstairs so we have to part ways. I would rather drink my own blood than step foot in there.

"Here's four hundred dollars, Bella. Spend it on anything but I expect at least 5 full outfits. We'll meet at the food court, and don't be shy to talk to the other kids here." Amy says while heading to the escalator.

It's embarrassing the way Amy treats me sometimes. She acts like i'm five, speaking for me and always giving me specific directions. Even though it can be quite annoying, it's also comforting. Im not a big talker so it all works out.

When I walk into Abercrombie, the first thing I pick out are some skinny jeans. I need to get the petite sizes because I'm scrawny. It's not that i'm anorexic, I just have a fast metabolism. Next, I pick out some shirts and sweaters. Basically, the usual things I get. I decide to make Amy happier so I go to the dress section. I'm not a fan of dresses but I know Amy would be so proud if I bought one. Most of the dresses were really revealing but I found a bright yellow dress that could work. It had a floral print and came to my thighs. It was also sleeveless and complimented my small curves. Looking in the mirror, I actually felt like a preppy, happy girl. Maybe I could really do this. I could move on and change who I am. Sadly, the scars on my arms would always be there. I could just tell people I got those, falling off a bike. Not the best lie, but it could work. After staring at myself in the mirror for a couple more minutes, I decide to grab a few more short dresses. Amy would so proud. I just bought 4 dresses, short dresses to be exact, although i'm not sure I will be actually wearing these.

After leaving the Abercrombie and going into a couple more book stores, I spent 373 dollars, so I still have some left. I look down at one of the books I got, "The Fault in Our Stars". I heard it got a bunch of great reviews. Im so-

I was too distracted with my book to realize that there was a boy walking opposite my direction. I felt the impact of my head hit into his chest, his very hard chest to be exact.

" Watch where your going, that's what your eyes are for." The curly haired boy said with a glare. I could definitely notice the british accent. He was wearing a white tee shirt with black jeans and you could make out the visible tattoos on his chest. He was built and was towering over me with his tall figure. These were the kind of boys that were trouble. I could already tell that this boy was rude and obnoxious.

"Instead of checking me out, you could apologize. Just a suggestion.." The boy told me with a taunting smile.

This was one of my most embarrassing encounters I have even been in. I was simply noticing his features, not checking him out. I have never been in a situation like this and I honestly don't know what to say or do to this rude boy. I quickly grip my things and walk away from him.

" I get it! Your mute!" The boy says with a laugh as I scurry into an unknown store, trying to get some distance between us.

Maybe if he thinks i'm mute, he won't talk to me ever again. What am I saying? I clearly won't see him again, thank god. Usually I'm better at social situations but this was different. This boy made me speechless, for reasons I don't know.

"Hey, need any help finding anything?" A girl with jet black hair and piercings asks me, interrupting my thoughts. Her name tag says Briella so that's obviously her name. I look around the store and realize I'm in a music store. There were cd's everywhere.

"No but thanks. I was just leaving," I say with a smile, hoping she would leave me alone. I'm still shaken up by my previous encounter.

" Seriously? I just saw you come in. Not to mention you look out of breath.." She says with a laugh. Of course she won't leave me alone, just my luck. Now I have to socialize with her too, Amy would be so proud.

"Oh I was a rush. I came into the wrong store...sorry" I say apologetically

"No need to apologize, I was just wondering", Briella said, letting my lie slide," Usually I could recognize anyone around here. Are you a tourist? You have an accent."

" Actually, I live here now. Well not here...but in Northern Virginia, Fairfax. I came from London yesterday. " I say awkwardly.

"Woah thats amazing! " She says not minding my awkward responses. " I live up here too, we're probably in the same high school then, Lake Braddock?"

" Yep that's the one", I say

" Nice, your a senior?" Briella asks

" Yes" I say with a smile.

" Great! We should meet outside the building so I can show you around. You might want to wear something nice, our school is quite judgmental" she says with a laugh.

" Uh that sounds good.." I say reluctantly. She seems like a nice girl, a little too preppy and loud, but kind.

"Great! Here's my number in case you need it", she says while jotting her number down on a sticky note, " I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

" Yeah thanks", I say as I walk out the store. I can't believe I'm starting a new school year tomorrow, with all new people. It felt refreshing to be able to talk to someone without the mention of my father or anything of my past. Maybe this year will be different. I feel like I already made a friend, even though she is the complete opposite of me with her tattoos and piercings. After my exchange with Briella, I feel a bit more confident and I almost forgot about my encounter with that rude boy...almost. But i'm not going to let him ruin my day. I've become a stronger girl and I regret not telling him off. Instead I ran away like a scared puppy. I can't let anyone break me.

After I meet Amy at the food court, we head to the car. To say that Amy was proud, would be an understatement. After seeing the things I bought, you could almost see the happiness bouncing off her.

" Don't forget to show Chris what you got, when he comes home from work. I'm so proud of you Bells! Your really trying to get better and soon your going to make so many new friends" Amy says happily.

" Im actually going to bed right now so I can wake up early tomorrow," I say while bringing my new clothes upstairs. I didn't tell her about Briella, mainly because I don't want her to get her hopes up. Maybe Briella won't show up tomorrow. She could always be messing with me. I wouldn't be surprised, It's happened before.

I shut my eyes as I try to fall asleep, but all I can think about is how tomorrow is going to play out. I'm so nervous, yet excited as well. I have a small shred of hope that this year is going to be different, but I can't let my hope get to me. For all I know, it could be false hope...and that is very dangerous. I rather expect the worse so I'm never disappointed than be optimistic and then let down by reality.

**Lot's of Harry Styles in the next chapter! Please vote, comment and follow. I would love to here your input or read your stories as well :) Thanks x **

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