Chapter 7

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The moment I turned around and saw Harry stumbling towards me, I realized my dream had turned into a nightmare. Everything was perfect and then my bad luck just had to come and ruin everything.

"What was your name again? Bonnie? Bailey? Oh wait, it was Betsy! That's it!" Harry says happily once he reaches me.

I know Harry doesn't exactly like me, but I'm surprised he forgot my name so quickly. I can't seem to get his name out of my head.

" That's great..." I say, deciding to play along. Maybe if he gets the hint, he'll go away.

" So Betsy, what brings you here? Family problems? Dead pet? Angry boyfriend?" Harry asks with a laugh,"Wait, you wouldn't have a're a little bitch.

He just called me a bitch. The last time someone called me that was years ago. I've heard much worse but coming from someone I barely knew, it hurt.

Before I can stop, I grab the closest thing to my hand, a beer bottle, and launch it at Harry. I was aiming for his head, but due to my horrible aim, it flies right past him and hits the wall.

"Easy there, sweetie," Harry says laughing obnoxiously,"I like feisty but save it for later.."

Sweetie? One minute he's calling me a bitch and now I'm sweetie. I'm starting to believe that he's bipolar.

"What are you-" I start to say.

"Sandra, another chilled one!" Harry interrupts, ordering the bartender.

" I don't think so, Harry. You've had enough.." The short, blonde bartender says, walking over to us. She turns and looks at me, "He tends to say things he doesn't mean when he's drunk. Don't mind him."

He's drunk. I should have known, I've lived with an alcohol addict for years.

" Enough! This is your job so go get me a drink!" Harry orders the bartender. She was about to protest, but decided against it.

"You haven't answered my question, Bella," Harry says inching closer to me.

"Wh-what?" I stutter. The distance between us is slowly enclosing and it's really distracting.

" Why are you here, Bella?" Harry asks closing the distance between us.

I can feel his intoxicating breath on my neck as he puts a hand on my shoulder. The contact sends warning signals throughout my body and I flinch from his touch just as Zayn walks out of the bathroom.

"Harry? Why are you here? What's going on...?" Zayn asks confused, looking back and forth between Harry and I.

"Nothing much, just messing with your babe. She seems a little feisty tonight. Nice shirt by the way," Harry says casually.

" Alright man, you had too much to drink. You got a ride home?" Zayn asks with a laugh.

"No shit, how do you think I got here?" Harry says.

" You're not driving like this, I'll drop you off after I bring Bella home.." Zayn says as his phone starts ringing, "I have to take this."

"The little shit thinks he can tell me what to do," Harry mutters as he puts his head on the counter, "At least now I know why you're here."

"Why do you care!" I yell angrily. If Harry hates me so much, why is he being so nosy? It must be the alcohol speaking.

"I don't, I'm just curious. I would never expect someone like you to come to this bar," Harry says.

Someone like me? I've known this boy for one day and now he thinks he knows my life story.

Before I can respond to Harry's comment, Zayn walks back into the room.

" We have a little sister needs me to pick her up from her friend's house. She said it's an emergency and my mom's at work."

Great, this day couldn't get worse.

" Your point is...?" Harry says rudely.

" I have to go...right now! I'll come back here after I drop her off," Zayn says, walking to the door, " I'm really sorry,Bella, I'll come back as fast as I can."

" It's alright, Harry's a usual customer," the bartender says with a smile, "I was about to close down for the night, so I can drop them off."

" I don't think that's a good idea..." Zayn says, glancing at me,"I could always bring Bella with me."

As much as I would rather go home with Zayn, I know he needs time alone with his sister. I'm just going to have to suck it up.

" It's fine, Zayn. It's already late and I'd get home quicker if I went with them,"I say with a fake smile.

"Okay...I'm really sorry about this," Zayn whispers, pulling me in for a hug,"But call me if anything goes wrong."

After Zayn leaves, I'm left alone with Harry while Sandra finishes cleaning up.

My phone starts playing Drunk in Love, the ringtone that Amy chose. I had completely forgotten about them, and now I don't have an excuse as to why I'm out so late.

"I'm so sorry, mom. I wasn't paying attention to the time and I didn't realize it was so late. I should have called you or at least left a note before I left. I didn't mean to worry you, I'm really sorry," I gush into the phone. Amy and Chris must have been worried sick.

" Sweetie, it's fine. I'm just happy you're safe and hopefully having fun. Where are you?" Amy says happily through the phone. She's just happy i'm not sitting alone in my room.

"I..I'm at a friend's house. She wanted to show me around Virginia," I lie. It's hard for me to lie to Amy, considering all she's done for me, but I can't tell her i'm at a bar with Harry. She would send a swat team to hunt me down.

"Oh that's so sweet of her! You're going to tell me all about it tomorrow!" Amy says excitedly.

"Tomorrow..?" I question. I have a bad feeling I know where this is going.

"'s already one in the morning. You might as well stay there until tomorrow..." Amy says through the phone. I was definitely not prepared for this.

"Mom, I think it would be better if I went home..." I say slowly.

" Baby, you don't even have your car with you. This will be a good experience for you and if you want, I can talk to her mom for you," Amy says in a motherly voice. I know she won't budge on this.

"I..I just don't think this is a good idea.." I say sadly. Maybe if she feels bad for me, she'll let me off the hook.

"Give the phone to your friend's mom, I'll talk it out with her. This will be good for you," Amy says firmly.

Now I have no choice but to agree to sleepover.

"Alright..fine," I say quickly,"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye baby, sweet dreams!" Amy says eagerly before hanging up. She must really want me out of the house.

I thought this day couldn't get worse when I saw Harry at the bar,but once again, I was wrong. Now I'm stuck at a sleepover, which really meant I was homeless for the night.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I'm sorry the chapter was short, I was really busy this week. :(

I promise the next chapter will be longer and more interesting!

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