Spooky Scary Skelebros

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"Then it's settled. You will stay with us for as long as you need." Toriel stated regally.  so we set off towards the castle. We passed through several puzzles and eventually, a house. 

"I am training to become the "Keeper of the Ruins" for until I become king." boasted Asriel. as we passed through a large door, we entered a snowy forest. As we reached a small town Asriel turned to me and managed to say "Welcome to Snowdin!" before a group of children rushed to greet him. Pushing me to the back, the group surrounded the young prince. I could hear shouts of joy and surprise. 

"Yo! Prince Asriel, why are you back so soon?" "Asriel is there something wrong?" They questioned anxiously.  

"Don't worry." he soothed. "a human has fallen down the hole. Mom and me are taking her home." 

"I, dear, Mother and I" corrected Toriel gently. 

After a few minutes, the crowd dissipated. As we continued down the street, I saw a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye. I spun away just in time for a snowball to fly past my face. A creature in the distance waved to us. In a flash, it was gone. I swung around, weapon raised, to a short skeleton. 

"hey there." he said pushing down the knife pointed at his face. " im sans. sans the skeleton." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of ketchup. He opened it and promptly put it in his mouth. His pinprick eyes shifted to something behind me. I followed his gaze to a smaller skeleton wearing a red scarf.


ok.......AUTHORS NOTE!!!!!

so ........hi. im dt sans ......um it stands for dusttale (look it up)

so this is my first story and i am so sorry for the wait. i moved from east to west coast and my phone was taken away.

so i am really out of touch now.  yeah ...............that happened!

i have all the way up to ALMOST meeting Gaster and Alphys (at the lab in hotland) so if you have any suggestions i would love them.

im kinda at a block. but uh yeah ( ok so real quick MOONBEAM YOUDE BETTER SUGGEST STUFF!!!!!) sorry bout that but yeah (please follow my good friend moonbeam. she has an amazing AU called yanderetale. real cool. her story is called 'when yanderes  collide') so yeah. 

thats about it so, PEACE!

thats about it so, PEACE!

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