Complex Korean Vowels #1 Diphthongs

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Before we start, please make sure you know the letters and vowels perfectly in the previous chapters before carrying on with this chapter!

The remaining vowels left that I need to teach you are called diphthongs. diphthongs are basically sounds made using two vowels.

I'll show you.

Remember these letters?

ㅏ a
ㅓ eo
ㅜ u
ㅗ o

Okay, now these are diphthongs that I'll do for you, using the above letters.

Ya: ㅑ A: ㅏ

Yeo: ㅕ Eo: ㅓ

Yu: ㅠ U: ㅜ

Yo: ㅛ O: ㅗ

Ye: ㅖ E: ㅔ

So, as you can see, with this set of diphthongs, you simply add an extra 'line' onto the original letter. You absolutely need to know these.

So now, if you want to use these diphthongs I've shown you to make a longer syllable then these examples will show you how to do it:






I hope this has helped you understand more
how vowels are formed and how they can be simplified
as I've showed you in this chapter!

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then please feel free to leave a question in the comments
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