Complex Korean Vowels #2 Sound Diphthongs

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This last set of vowels or diphthongs, are put together to form a sound. To form these 'sound words' we add two vowels together.

Remember these letters?

ㅣ   I
ㅗ  O
ㅓ    Eo
ㅏ    A
ㅜ     U
ㅔ     E

Great! Okay, now we're going to form 'sound words' using the letters above:

Wi:    ㅟ       ㅣ: I

Woe:   외    Eo:  ㅓ

Wa:     와    A:   ㅏ

Ui:     의

   I hope this has helped you better
your understanding on diphthongs in Korean.

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feel free to leave them here by the
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