Chapter 5

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Suji, I will be out until this afternoon. I blocked the day so we don't have any reservations but I have to ask you to run an errand for me. - Yoongi

The office is dimly lit and I notice a piece of paper dangling from the desk. A flash drive is placed beside the paper with a label 'to JK'. I remember transferring all the photos taken from the three studio shoots yesterday because we have to show it to our clients soon. But JK has been a little out of it recently. It's like he's physically present but his mind is flying off somewhere. Suprisingly the work he can finish within a day isn't done yet. He has become a snail. Moving yet very slow.

I notice a phone number written at the corner of the paper. It must be his. I fished my phone and punched his digits. Maybe he can meet me halfway. I heard he lives quite far from my place.

"Who is this?" Typical response from him. I already had it in my head.

"Hey, JK." I say coolly.

"Are you- Ah. The girl from the studio."

"I have a name and my name is-

"Whatever. Spill. Why are you calling me? Where did you get my number?" He sounds a little bored.

"Where are you?" I ask. He might be hanging around. I can drop by and give him the flash drive.


"Just tell me." I am running out of patience. But I have to give this to him.

"Gillian's at Apgujeong."

"Don't go anywhere." Dropping the call.

Apgujeong is a good catch. I can drop by Jaein's favorite bakeshop and buy her some treats on my way back. My curiosity itches my thoughts. Knowing that JK is at Gillian's makes me wonder what he is doing there. Is he really there to chill and hang out? That café isn't really JK-like. But hey, gotta drop the judgement right?

(the song when Suji enters Gillian's)

Gillian's are usually packed on Wednesdays. They give discounts and have music performances  for entertainment. If I am not mistaken, it's acoustic night.

I searched the café but there isn't any trace of JK. The only familiar face in the crowd is a girl from my school. I have seen her only a few times. We pass by each other on the hallways and she always has a smile on her face. She seems really nice. Oh wait. Should I say Hi to her? I should say Hi to her and tell Jaein I made an achievement. I said Hi to someone.

Someone grabs my arm, tugging me, and making me face the counter. "Why?"

It's him. Again he has his hoodie on like he usually does. He's holding a cup on his hand. I can't figure whether it's americano or latte. But based on how I know him he might go for americano.

"I said, why?" He taps his foot impatiently.

"O-oh here," I place the flash drive on the counter. "Meet your deadlines. If only I'm good in editing I would've taken that but I suck."

He nonchalantly takes the flash drive and puts in in his pocket. After having a sip of his coffee, he drops me a look.  A brief and blank one. His eyes then move to the crowd, probably eyeing someone. I don't care much to look who it is.

"She should've left. How troublesome." He mutters under his breath.

I click my tongue. "You're here hiding from some girl?"

He stares at me. It feels like I just stepped on a land mine. His mouth is tightly shut into a thin line. My effort to start a conversation just made things more awkward. Good job, Suji. Good job.

"Be quiet."

Suddenly his phone starts ringing. It isn't that loud but he is panicking to put his phone in silent as he cuss simultaneously.


After three hours, I find myself still seating on the same chair and drinking my 4th cup of coffee. I was insisting I should go ahead but JK just wouldn't let go of my arm. He wouldn't even answer me if I ask why. Now, I'm here drinking coffee worth of four days of my consumption. I haven't drank this much coffee in one day let alone within three hours.

"Death by caffeine." I tell him as I take another sip.

"Nobody dies from her 4th cup of coffee. At least not yet."

Way to go, JK. I feel like dying already. I am going to show up in your doorstep when I die. I'll make sure you won't be able to sleep. God, I will probably be awake until tomorrow.

"But I can taste death." I lean on the table. "Let me go home."

"No. Not yet." Without looking me, he tries to convince me.

Unlike me who's facing the table, he stands facing the crowd. Crumbs of his favorite cookie falls to the ground. (He was blabbering about it earlier). I am struggling to fight the urge to pick it up. God, he is so messy when eating.

"Hey, can you-

As I turn to look at JK, I see two guys with smiles on their faces approaching us. JK seems like he doesn't know what to do. He stands there staring at the guys in front of us.

"Kook, 'sup bro." The guy has brown hair and he looks a lot like JK. Like really. But he's taller than JK.

JK hesitantly takes the guy's arm and pulls him for a bro hug. He then reaches the hand of the other for a high five. Instantly the three of them starts chattering like they haven't seen each other for a long time. It's unusual to see him talk this much but maybe that's because we're not even close to start with.

The other guy looks at me, smiling. "Who is she?"

JK stares at me. Maybe contemplating whether or not he should introduce me to his friends. We just happen to work in the same studio and we barely talk. Besides, what's there to introduce about me? He doesn't know much except that I'm the annoying and desperate assistant photographer.

"Her.." He gently pushes my cup of coffee, grabbing my shoulders to make me face him and his friends.

"You don't have to introduce me, yoy know.." I try to discreetly whisper to him. "Just pretend that-

"We're dating."

We're dating.

What did he just say?

A/N: OMG THANKS TO kp0pkr1stal, Askirawr, and @JESSICARAMIREZ785 FOR THE UPVOTE!! And those who keep on reading my work. I love you guys.

I have a draft story for RM and another one for JM. Still finalizing details and when I will start it. Hope you guys will read it too.

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