Chapter Fifteen "My mother isn't crazy."

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Paris's Pov-

All eyes and heads turn towards Legend who looks back at them with a joking face. "Come on guys! Can't you see? She just woke up and she's confused." His lie makes my wolf growl, and I can't stop my wolf as I start to hear the normal crack of bones, and the familiar fur growing over my skin until the metal cuffs become too big for my small wolf legs and I can step out of them easily.

"My daughter isn't confused on what she says.." My father says strongly, then looks into my crazed, unusual black eyes and sighs as he runs a hand over his face. "But.. she did just wake up, and the doctor said she might have memory loss." I growl, I don't have memory loss.

Do I?

"My mother isn't crazy, nor does she have memory loss. I'd act the same way as her right now if I had woken up to people looking at me like I'm an animal and being cuffed up. I'd do the same thing as her." Lance's strong voice calms my senses as he walks towards me and puts his hand on my neck, stroking my fur as I purr in a loving way and lean into the touch.

This is my son, and he stands before me.

I feel a chubby hand grab my snout and startled, I look down to see a little girl giggling while she holds my snout, looking up at me with dark brown eyes, her blonde hair in two pigtails.

"Sorry mom.. that's Abby, she's from the same adoption center as I was in.." He trails off, scratching the back of his neck before picking the young girl up from beside me and holding her to his chest in a loving way. He looks like Xavier in this position, except his hair is uncontainable as its in every direction and Xavier's was always messy, but neat.

Wait.. why am I thinking about him?

Maybe because in a way, Legend reminds you of him because he lied straight to you, or he hurt you.

My conscious sounds right as I turn my head to look at my father, who stands beside Legend, his hand on his arm.

"She'll be locked up until she's stable enough to run this pack." My fathers voice booms through the hospital room, and my hope drops to the floor, shattering. I look up at Lance, who shakes in anger and Abby, who has her hand on his cheek as she looks around frightened.

My father begins to walk towards me, Legend watching with a pained expression. I growl, before running right past his side, his hands just brushing my hind leg before kicking out of the door and leading to the outside, that will be my freedom.


I hesitate, my wolf standing outside of the large mansion that at one time, I lived in. I remember the day I stormed off, my wolf feeling horrible for the way he had hurt me with that girl. That witch..

I huff through my snout and right when I'm about to hit it so he knows I'm here, the door opens and there stands Xavier in his mighty beauty. He has Nike joggers hanging low on his waist, no shirt, and his messy hair. His lips are pursed and for a second, he stands confused before his eyes widen and he takes his fists, rubbing his eyes quickly before looking back at me and repeating the process three more times.

"Paris?" His croaky, sleepy voice enters my ears and I purr, walking straight up to him and shaking my head lightly on his ankle, in a caring way.

"What are you doing here? Did something happen? Are you okay? Why are you in wolf form? What did I miss? Are you cold? Oh gosh... you only turn into wolf and run on important occasions.. what happened? Come inside..." He holds the door open, stepping aside as I jog in, my tongue hanging slightly out of my mouth.

I whimper, the small sound echoes through the empty house, his slut still in my pack. "Oh yeah.. you need clothes. I'll be right back." He runs a hand through his hair and begins to run upstairs.

I plop my butt on the floor, licking my paws, some blood falling out steadily from when I stepped on a metal cuff in the woods. Humans are so weird, instead of just shooting animals all the time, they set traps out to catch them. But don't they know that bigger game just steps on them, gets injured, and walks away?

Stupid humans.

I feel clothes hit my face and I growl, looking up to see a playful Xavier, grinning at me from the top of the stairs. I squint my eyes, shaking my fur coat, before walking around the corner so he can't see me. The crack of bones echo through the large house and I put on the clothes I had left here, before I even knew what he had done, after I was too much in a hurry to bother to grab all my clothes..

My usual black, ripped skinny jeans hug my body casually, the grey maroon t-shirt from when I went to school for education lays on my skin, varsity on the back. My maroon converse to match. I walk from around the corner and smile at my ex-mate. He grins back, moving towards me.

"So why are you here, Paris? Not that I mind, it's nice having you back here." His toothy, childish smile makes a small one form on my face, and I can already feel my dimples showing.

"Can we talk about that tomorrow? I'm awfully tired." I lie, making an excuse so I don't have to tell him what my mate did.

"Of course, but just so you know-" his voice enters into a soft, melodic whisper and he puts his lips right on my ear. "I know you're lying." He pulls back chuckling, putting his hand on the small of my back as he pushes me towards the guest room down the hall.

"Thank you Xavier.." I whisper, as he shuts the door, leaving me to the room we had once shared together, when I had bad dreams and couldn't sleep in his bed.

Xavier stops the door mid-way, his lips resting on the side before he opens his eyes, the natural evergreen orbs staring into my glowing blue ones, that I didn't even know became normal again.

"I would do anything, for you Paris. I love you." He shuts the door, leaving me to what he had just said, the shock evident through my body.

I would do anything, for you Paris.

I love you.


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