Chapter Eighteen "Mate"

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Paris Pov-

I look at Anna as she holds onto my hand, gently pulling me through the busy streets of the city that Ocean had once lived in, before King Gray took her.

"Did you know an Ocean, by chance?" I ask her quietly, the feeling of talking to an human is still freaking me out. They are just so.. different.

"Yes, she was the girl on the news." News? I look at her confused and she laughs a little before turning back around, her voice echoing through the cold breeze.

"Ocean was the girl who disappeared a few months back, the family told the news industry that she had been acting weird, and dancing more. Well, dancing was her way of coping with things so something must've been really bothering her. I don't know, but all I know is she has never been found." She shrugs her shoulders, looking back at me once again with a crest fallen face. "It's sad, really, she was in my dance class when we were younger. She was a great girl." She looks away as I see her eyes wet with tears, but she doesn't let them fall.

"I'm sorry for asking.." I whisper. I don't even sound like an Alpha anymore, I'm starting to sound soft.. like a human.

Like a girl, a teenager.

"Don't be! It was just a simple question," she waves it off like its no big deal, but I seen how sad she was. She's just trying to make me feel better.

"Is there anything fun to do around here?" I ask her softly, walking beside her now, but her hand is still in mine, just like a best friends do in the human world. They really are strange..

"Lots of things! If you don't mind sharing an apartment with me, we can do all types of fun things!" She exclaims and I smile thankfully at her.

Maybe this could.. just maybe, be my new life.


A knock on the door, in the middle of the night wakes me up. I open my groggy eyes and stand up slowly, holding onto the bed for support. I look around for Anna but I realize she had went to her room earlier before me.

So far, I hate the human life.

I walk towards the door, since I had only fell asleep on the couch watching a human movie. It was so damn dumb.

The knocks are louder and I put a hand to my temple, annoyed as I open the door and snap, my eyes still shut. "What?"

"Mom?" My eyes open to see Lance standing in a suit, covered by rain. A sob erupts from my throat and I grab at his muscular body and hug him tightly.

"Baby.. What are you doing here? It's dangerous. You could've gotten hurt! What if a human had pulled a gun on you? Why would you leave the werewolf world? You know traveling through both worlds are absolutely horrible for your body! Being a werewolf is dangerous and how could you of-" Lance's eyes stop me and I look at him expectantly.

"Damn, are you guys actors for Twilight or something?" Anna's voice enters my ears and I whimper, turning around.

"You could say that." I whisper, trying not to panic.

"That's so cool, I watch that movie all the time." Anna giggles and moves towards us.

"I'm Anna," she holds her hand out to Lance and he slowly extends his until they meet and his eyes darken, a growl erupting as Anna gasps.


You can feel the electric charge flowing through the air and you automatically know that they are.

"Mine," he pulls her fragile body towards his and he tightens his hold on her waist.

She looks scared, to be held by a fifteen year old so tightly, but comfortable and I know the magic of the mate bond his already calming her down. She's only seventeen and a half and her parents died young, so there isn't much of an age difference.

"Mine." He growls again, pulling her even closer. I look at them with a smile, but Anna's frightened face knocks it right off.

"He won't hurt you Anna, he'll only love and protect you." I say, and she nods, calming down just a little.

"Never will I ever hurt what's mine." He growls again and I roll my eyes as she flinches at him growling.

"Lance stop growling, you're going to scare the poor girl." He turns to look at me with a smirk before his canines appear and I know he wants to mark her.

"No." I say sternly and he growls, a pout on his face as Anna looks at his teeth scared, and curious. She brings out her hand, putting it on his cheek and touching her thumb to his canine.

She gasps as it starts to bleed and brings it to her lips, stopping the blood. Lance sighs, his teeth shortening before he pecks her cheek and hugs her possessively to him.

"You done now?" I ask him annoyed, tapping my foot against the floor.

"Yup," he pecks her forehead before sitting down and hugging her again.

"So what's the plan?"

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