the girl in my English class (scirstie)

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Scott POV:

It was the first day of my junior year of high school after a long summer break. I just picked up my schedule and was now walking to my first class. English from miss Smith.

On my way there I came across Mitch, my best friend in the entire world.

"Hey, Mitchy" I said while I gave him a hug.

"Hey, Scooter. How was your summer vacation?"

"It was great, I'm sad it's already over."

"Yeah, same. I need to go to class now though, I don't want to be late so see you at lunch!"

And with that he was gone. When I got to the right classroom, almost all of the seats were already filled.

"Just my luck." I whispered quietly to myself.

There was ons seat free next to a friendly looking girl, so I decided to ask if I could sit there.

"Hi, I'm Scott. Can I sit here? There's no other place where I can sit."

"Yes, of course. My name is Kirstin, but you can call me Kirstie."

"Did you have a good summer vacation?"

"Yeah it was great, but I'm also glad to be back here."

"What? Glad? Why?"

"You know I missed my friends and it sometimes just gets boring when you have nothing to do."

"Yeah, that's a valid point."

The more I talked to her, the more I started liking her. She was cute and pretty and by hearing her stories she was also smart.

Since it was the first lesson of the year, we didn't do much. So we just kept talking a little bit.

"Would you like to sit by me and my friend at lunch?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Yes, that sounds fun."

When the bell rang, I said bye to Kirstie and made my way to my next class. I sat in my next classes hoping it would be lunch time soon, so when the last bell for lunch rang, I made my way to the cafetaria as fast as I could.

I already saw Mitch sitting at our usual table and made my way over.

"Hey, survived your first half day of the year?" I asked while sitting next to him.

"Not really, I want this year to be over already." He joked.

"Oh by the way, I invited someone for luch today."

And exactly at that moment Kirstie came to our table.

"Mitchy, I missed you so much!" Was the first thing she said while giving Mitch a hug

"I missed you too queen!" Mitch said

Wait, what? They knew each other already? I was so confused.

"Oh I see you know each other already." I stated 

"Yeah, we had theatre class together last year." Mitch said

I was kinda jealous that Mitch knew her better than I did, since I kinda liked her. We talked a bit while we eated, me stealing glances of the beautiful girl that sat in front of me. Way too soon the bell rang.

"I have math now from Mr. Thomas, what do you guys have?" Kirstie asked us

"I have history from Mr. Winston." I said disappointed, sad that I didn't have the same class as Kirstie.

"I have history from Mr. Winston too!" Mitch replied enthusiastically. 

Fortunately Mitch and I were in the same class. We walked to the classroom and decided to sit somewhere in the back. 

"I see how you look at her." Mitch said suddenly

"What do you mean?" I replied, knowing exactly what he was talking about

"At Kirstie, I know you like her"

"That may be true, but she never likes me back for sure."

"Hold on lover boy. Of course she likes you back. I saw her staring at you as well."

"I don't think so. Why would someone like her, like someone like me?"

"Oh come on, you're basically the most perfect guy on earth. You're sweet, smart, sexy."

"Thanks Mitchy, but I still don't think she likes me."

"Ugh, straight people are impossible. Just ask her out."

"I'll think about it." 

And at that moment the teacher asked for silence. I spend the whole class thinking about asking Kirstie out, I just didn't know if I should do it. 

I decided to wait a little bit and test the waters , before I decided to actually ask Kirstie on a date.

About a week later, I found the courage to do it. It was the end of the day and everyone was slowly going home. I walked up to Kirstie's locker, but waited in a corner a few feet away. I just stood there watching her putting all her books in her bag, until I felt someone nudge my side. Of course it was Mitch.

"Go do it, creep." Mitch said while he slowly pushed me in her direction.

"Yes, yes. I'm already going."

I walked up to her and tapped her lightly on her shoulder. She turned around and showed me her beautiful smile. 

"What's up, Scooter?"

"Well, I honestly wanted to ask you something." I said while scratching the back of my neck.

I now got her full attention.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Do you maybe want to go out with me sometime? Only if you want to, like not if you don't want to. Just forget it, it was a stupid question."

"Of course I want to go out with you, Scotty." She said laughing

"What really?" I asked genuinely surprised

"Yes of course, I have liked you for quite a while now. I was just waiting for you to ask me out."

This all happened 2 years ago. I still have a relationship with Kirstie. She is the most sweet and caring person I have ever met. I'm still very grateful for deciding to sit next to her in English class in my junior year.

This is kind of trash, It's really bad. But enjoy it anyway. Something better coming hopefully soon.

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