The bad kids (Scömìche)

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Scott POV:

Every High School has a group of popular people who do bad things. Our school had one too. It was a mysterious group that consisted of about seven people. They were known for often skipping classes and being rude to people. There were also going rumours around that they have a mysterious place where they smoke drugs all day, but nobody but themselves know if that is true.

I, Scott Hoying, wanted nothing to do with them. I was a straight A's student with a exellent reputation. I had one best friend: Kirstin Maldonado. She is the sweetest girl in the whole wide world. Not that I would date her, I'm kinda gay.

Kirstie was seen as one of the hottest girls of the school and she was hit on a lot by all the popular boys. Although she loved all the attention from the boys, she never would let a boy come between me and her.

One day she came running up to me, while I was putting my books away in my locker.

"Scott, you never know what we're going to do tonight!"

"Well, I'm gonna learn. I have a important math test Friday."

"O come on, it's Tuesday. I promise you that you'll have enough time to learn for that "important" test."

"Well, what are your plans then?" I said with a deep sigh

I got invited to come to the place where "the bad kids" always meet up and I could bring a friend." Kirstie said while she nudged my side.

"No way, I'm not going there. Do you know what happens in there?!" 

"O come on, It'll be fun. Just one time, and by the way, how bad could it be?"

"No Kirst, I'm not going, period."

"Please, for me. If you want to leave, we'll immediately go home." She asked with a pout

"Who invited you?"

"Jeremy" She said with a blush

Jeremy was also one of those bad people, but I have to admit when you compare him with the rest he's kinda okay. By the way Kirstie and Jermey definitely had a thing for each other and I didn't want to blow her changes with him.

"Okay" I said with a deep sigh

"Wait, what?! You're agreeing to go?" 

"I guess I am. But if I want to get the hell outta there, we're leaving.

"Of course! I need to get to class, I guess I see you tonight!"

"Bye!" I screamed after her

What had I gotten myself into? The straight A's student is going to hang out with some stoned and drunk people.

That night Kirstie was pretty early to pick me up. I told my parents I was sleeping over at Kirstie's, cause if I told them what I was really doing they would definitely not let me go. It wasn't a surprise for me that I was allowed to sleep over at someone's house at a school night, my parents were more than happy that I was going to do something fun with my friends. Most of the time I was just in my bedroom learning. It wasn't completely lied though, I was going to sleep at Kirstie's after we got back. Or that was the plan.

"Ready?" Kirstie asked when I stepped into the car

"Not really. I swear you owe me a lot after this is over."

Kirstie put the radio on. Except for the sounds of the radio, the car ride was silent.

We got to the destination way to quick for my liking. From the outside it looked like a normal garage, but on the inside it looked like a small living room. There were two couches seated in middle of the room, a small television and there was a small kitchen in the corner. It was actually kinda cozy.

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