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It had been only about three weeks from the moment Y/N died and Lydia was a mess.That day had started out normal, only to turn sour very quickly.
The girls went to school, but left around fourth period due to some sketchy supernatural business.
Once they got to the scene, everyone started to fight and chaos broke out.
All anyone could do was focus on the task at hand.
After the fight, bodies of the supernatural creatures littered the ground.
Lydia looked for Y/N, but couldn't find her standing.
Then, she saw her.
Y/N was laying on the ground, eyes wide open, and a cut on her throat.
Lydia screamed, and the group rushed over to her, wanting to see what happened.
Y/N was dead. And there was nothing that could be done.
"Lydia?" Scott asked, trying to bring her back to Earth. "Are you okay?"
Lydia then started to cry, longing for Y/N to be alive, to comfort her....
Has anyone watched 13 Reasons Why? If so, what did you think of it?

Inertia - TW Gif Series
FanfictionShort imagines that go along with gifs! Highest Rank: #130 in Fanfiction