Chapter 6

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I know you are just dying to see the letter that Elena left for Damon, so I decided you waited long enough so without further do here is the letter.


Damon's POV

Dear Damon,

When we first met, your smugness annoyed me. Later on, I knew there was more to you than meets the eye. You were my friend whether you realize that or not, but I took advantage of you, Damon and I'm truly sorry for that. I became Katherine and I didn't even realize that, but at least my feelings was real for you. I was ready to leave Stefan to be with you, but Jeremy died and the 'love link' broke, so I was unsure with myself.

That brief time that we had I cherish it every moment. No regrets at all. I want you to make a promise to yourself that you will be happy and not dwell in bitterness. I know you are at odds with Stefan, but stick together. Take care of each other. I'm sorry things didn't go our way, but that is life. You will meet a beautiful girl and fall in love and I will be a distant memory, but I will never forget you. I hope the next time we cross paths that the anger and resent is gone. I hope we could have a true friendship.

Love, Elena.

I held the letter in my hand and I wished I didn't read it. I pulled out a light and set fire to the letter. I tossed it in my sink and watched it burned like my chances with Elena.

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