Chapter 16~ Science lab gone horribly wrong.....

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Shadow had been snappy since first period and was being uncharacteristically loud and anoyyed at all those around her. She had just snapped at Ice and the young boy had burst into tears, running off with Cira running after him.

"Shadow what's wrong with you?!" Kian asked, shaking her by her arms, Shadow screeched in pain as he did so.

"P....please, stop.... h...hurts." She cried out.

Kian pulled Shadow's sleeves up enough to see blood-stained bruises and burns.

"Oh my God Shadow! What happened to you! We need to get you to the nurse, now!" He exclaimed, his eyes full of worry. He was scared for Shadow, unsure what on earth could have caused this. Carefully, he pulled her sleeves back down, then putting an arm around her shoulder, he walked up to Mr. Axtell, asking him for a note. Then, he raced Shadow downstairs. Once they had reached the nurse's office, Kian helped her to lift up the sleeves again, and bandage the bruised, cut, and burned skin. Carefully wrapping it around, Kian made sure that Shadow was alright with each turn of the bandage. Finally, he stopped, the nurse finishing her other arm next to him.

Once done, he sat down on the plastic bed next to her, his arm around her shoulder once more. She was too spaced out to really notice who it was, so she rested her head against him, looking as if she was about to cry.

"Are you okay to maybe talk to me? It... might help..." Kian asked...

"Um.... m..... maybe?" Shadow said, looking towards Kian.

Kian looked more worried this time, and he had absent mindedly been ruffling her hair, almost as if she was a child...

"I... It was scary,  I... I dunno what h... he did wrong but I.... I don't think it was supposed to do that." Shadow said with with a shudder.

Kian felt confused, but still was concerned. "What went wrong...?" He asked her softly."It's alright if you don't want to tell..."

Shadow winced as the nurse touched her arm but looked back at Kian. "It exploded. I dunno how he got something so powerful but it exploded after it hit the water and I was the only one close enough to get hit."

"At least... at least you're okay..." He said, and Shadow, trying not to focus on the nurse, leaned into Kian and closed her eyes. He looked down at her, realizing that his crush, Shadow, was being amazingly cute at the moment, and he found himself staring lovingly. For a moment, he glanced up at the nurse, and when she made eye contact, she winked causing Kian to blush slightly. He looked back down at Shadow, who was wincing every time the nurse gently cleaned a cut or burn. He ruffled her hair once more, and felt a little better now that Shadow was in safe hands. All he knew, was that he'd have some questions later...
....When Shadow awoke, having drifted off as the nurse finished, she looked up to see Kian's head above hers, his arm around her and him staring into the distance. (Angel: He's so commited!) She blinked, groggily sitting up and he looked down at her.

"Feeling a little better?" He asked, and she nodded a little bit.

"I guess... it doesn't hurt as much..."

"I know you just woke up, but I need to ask you something."


"Who is 'He'."

"Oh....." Shadow started, "Uh... the science teacher, We had a sub today."

Kian sighed, and Shadow went to stand up, but he pulled her back down before she could.

"The nurse said she wanted you to rest for the day." He told her, and Shadow had to keep herself from smiling.

"Oh and one more thing. It's not very good news..."

Shadow's eyes widened.

"You missed PE." Kian smiled, and they both laughed. Then, Shadow smiled, allowing herself to lean back onto Kian once more, and then closing her eyes. She fell asleep, and Kian smiled, before realizing something. This was his only true chance. As she slept peacefully, he carefully pulled away, laying her down on the bed. Then, knowing this might be the only chance he ever got, he kissed her forehead and then walked away, nodding to the nurse as he left. His face was a bit red, but he smiled, knowing Shadow would be safe...

~{Shadow's POV}~

Shadow bolted upright when the bell ending school had rung and her arms screamed their discomfort. Shadow groaned, she was having a really nice dream, Kian had kissed her! She screeched softly when one of her injured arms hit the bed as she stood up, for some reason dizzy. She looked around for a moment, Where'd Kian go? Wait... what time is it? Shadow looked at the nurse's clock and saw that school was over about ten minutes ago and walked slowly out of the nurse's office to the bench.

As Shadow approached the bench, she found Kian seated there, staring into the distance. He looked worried, but was smiling a little bit as well, seemingly lost in thought. Shadow sat down beside him, and poked his shoulder. He jumped, turning to face her quickly. "Shadow!" He  exclaimed, both relieved and annoyed, and she smiled.

"Hey..." She said, then realized how quiet she was being. She wasn't sure why, and then... Shadow remembered her dream...

"So, doing a little better?" He asked.. 

Erp! "Y...yea, why are you still here though? I would've thought everyone would have gone home by now, school ended like... 15 minutes ago." Shadow said gesturing to the nearly abandoned campus with a few last students chatting with friends as they made for the school gates.

He closed his eyes for a moment. "Jasmine had to catch her bus, Ice was with Cira again, and the twins had to hurry home for some reason. We thought someone should stay and make sure you were alright..." He told her. "Not to mention, It'd be lonely walking home alone." It was only at that moment that Kian realized the gravity of what he had said, and had to try hard to keep from blushing like crazy.

Little did he know, Shadow was trying to suppress it as well.
"Well, thank you, so would I. I was also a little worried about getting home like this...." Shadow said sheepishly, drawing with the tip of her shoe in the dirt.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" He grinned, standing and paused for her to follow. Then, the two headed off down the sidewalk on their way home.

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