Chapter 8

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Tenshi Kuroshiro

" I don't want to lose you again."

Opening the doors to our classroom, 2-A, we walked in. Katsuhira taking his seat beside the window as Chidori took the seat beside him. I walked to mine, which was beside a boy being fawned over by 2 girls, and sat down on my seat. The boy turned to look at me and gave me on of his smiles.

" Hello, Tenshi-chan." The boy said as he flicked some of his cyan colored hair out of his sharp eyes.

" Hello Yuta-kun." I greeted with a small grin.

" Another boring weekend I guess?" Yuta said as he placed one of his fingers underneath his chin.

Yuta Tsuguhito. Quite popular with the girls in our class because of his charming looks, but he was my friend way before he had those looks.

" You guessed it right." I laughed nervously and took out my notebook from my bag.

" You know, there's this new cafe that opened up..." Yuta began.

" So?" I turned to look at him as soon as I placed my pencil and notebook on my desk.

" Would you like to go with me to that cafe?" He asked and looked to the sides.

I stared at him, and his red ears which I quite find adorable, before grinning at the request.

" Why not?" I laughed.

His head then quickly turned to look at me. His face showed nothing but joy as his cheeks were red.

" R-Really?!" Yuta asked hesitantly.

" Yup." I smiled.

" So, Friday. 5pm." Yuta grinned widely.

" Sure." I giggled when he suddenly shot up with an excited look on his face.

" Yosh!"

" Tsuguhito! Sit down." Yamada-sensei ordered.

Yuta looked around and saw that the entire class was looking at him expectantly. In my seat, I was giggling behind my closed fists. Yuta blushed in embarrassment before he sat back down. He then looked at me, turned red, then back to his desk.

I observed him for a while as he then started to talk with one of the girls fawning over him. I went back to my notebook and continued to draw a small bird. Just as I was about to work on it's beak, a hand suddenly appeared between the pages of my notebook. I looked up to see who that hand belonged to and saw that it was non other than Tenga.

" Tenga-kun!" I whispered in surprise. " Yamada-sensei could catch you, ya know?"

" So what? He is a perverted bastard anyways." Tenga rolled his eyes.

Tenga Hajime. Known for his rebellious acts and fight scenes, but don't let that get to you. He is quite the sweet heart and is always kind to other people who deserves it.

" Words Tenga-kun." I whispered once more.

" Voice Tenshi-chan." He teased.

I pouted and then looked at him confusedly.

" Why are you here?" I asked slowly.

" What are you working on?" He asked as knelt in front of my desk.

" A bird! It's gonna look so cool once it's finished." I chatted to him excitedly.

" Your drawings are always cool Tenshi-chan." Tenga complimented making my face heat up.

" R-Really?" I asked hesitantly.

" Really." Tenga chuckled and took a strand of my purple hair and kissed it.

I felt my face heat up some more before Tenga stood up, smiled, and walked away. I stared at his broad shoulders for a moment and smiled. I then felt someone staring at me and looked to see who it was.

" Katsu-kun?"

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