Chapter 9

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Tenshi Kuroshiro

" I don't want to fade away."

" Katsu-kun?" I whispered out in shock when he stared at me.

His blank eyes looking at me, then to Tenga, then back to me again. Those gray eyes that holds no emotion now shows one. Something between rage and longing, clashing one another causing a new emotion.

His gray eyes that usually lit up my world is now bland and dull. The shine that was once there disappeared.

It took a toll on me once it did.

" Katsu-kun, are you okay?" I asked him after, the incident, per say.

" No." He blankly stated.

His once shiny chestnut brown hair now had the crown of it turned into a haunting white. His gray eyes were now...dull.

" You're eyes." I said.

" What about them?" He said, in a monotone moderation.

I was scared. If this is the Katsuhira I'm going to see everyday, until Noriko releases it, how am I going to live with it?

His cheerful smiles, how am I gonna laugh without that?

His bright shining eyes are now dull, how am I gonna smile without that?

His happy toned voice is now robot-like, how am I gonna respond to that?

His emotions are gone, how am I gonna live with that?

It scares me. It really scares me.

My heart ached at the sight as my eyebrows furrowed. My frown grew as I tried to hold back the tears that are willing to escape from my honey colored eyes. I let out a small sob on what I have seen.

Katsuhira noticed and his eyes widened at my state. The once happy girl he knew is now reduced into tears and whimpers. His hand tried to reach out for mine but I took a step back. He tried to walk out to me but I turned and ran away from him.

" It's not fair."

" Tenshi?" I heard a voice said.

I looked to see who it was.

" Nico-chan?" I asked.

" Yup! Nico-chan's my name." Nico smiled childishly.

Nico Niiyama. An eccentric girl with a flashy sense of clothing. Her personality just as childish as her smiles.

" What are you doing here?" I asked.

" E-Eh? We-Well..." She then pouted her lips and twiddled her pigtails that held her bright orange and greenish-blue hair.

I tilted my head as she continued to ramble.

" Yes?"

" Would you like to go with me to this new cafe?" She asked nervously.

" Hm? Yuta-kun already asked me that, sorry Nico-chan." I apologized.

" H-Huh?" She said in surprise.

Her purple eyes started to grow dull. My eyes widened at this before standing up, creating a screeching sound against my chair and floor.

" B-But we can always go out for d-dango." I said.

" Dango...?" Nico said as she tilted her head. " Yay!"

Nico suddenly hugged me. I stiffened at her act and just as I was supposed to hug her back, she pulled away.

" A-Ah! Nico wasn't supposed to do that! Sorry Tenshi!" Nico bowed.

" It's fine." I waved my hand in dismissal. " So, dango?"

" Tomorrow, 4pm." Nico laughed and skipped away, her pigtails twirling in excitement.

I smiled at her childish attitude. I then looked to Katsuhira's seat and saw that he wasn't there anymore. I then looked at Chidori's seat and she too wasn't there. I felt another ache in my heart and sorrowfully looked down on the finished drawing.

" Katsu-kun..." I clenched my hands. " Chidori-chan..."

I then placed my clenched hands unto my heart. I looked up and saw that I was the only one in the classroom.

" Alone..."

" Why is it so painful..."

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