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      All of my life, I have never said a word. Not through therapy, not through panic attacks, not through anxiety attacks, self-harm, relapses, my "eating problems," or anywhere in between. 
      Perhaps it's because seeing the disappointment on someone's face is so hard.
     Or maybe I'm just a straight up wimp.
      ... Most likely both. ... No..., definitely both.
        So I'm going to tell you everything. Maybe I'll skip over the ugly parts (like the first time I saw the Notebook or read A Dog's Purpose,) and not every grueling detail, but I'll tell you enough. You'll understand, or perhaps you won't.
        But either way, if you're here just to share misery with me, or laugh at my misery,

        Then you're in the right place.

        Let's start?
  Yeah. Okay. Let's do that.... Yikes..


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