Chapter 3

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We rode until the borders of Mirkwood then we had to set the ponies loose. They are trained to return Beorn. I took a deep breath and looked at the elven gate. The forest looked sick and evil like the king that rules it. "Gandalf this is a terrible idea" I muttered to myself.  I instinctively rubbed the burns in my arm.

"Are you alright" Kili asked wrapping his arms around my waist. "What oh yeah fine" I hugged him.

"I have to go but I will meet you at the mountain do not enter it without me" Gandalf saddled the horse he borrowed from Beorn.

"Your leaving us" Bilbo shouted along with several other dwarves I stayed silent.

"Yes believe me I would not be leaving unless I absolutely had to.

"Bye Gandalf" I smiled at him but made sure my eyes said if the elves catch us if I get burned again your are so freaking dead. He gave me a grave look them cantered of. I sighed deeply and pulled my hood up and followed the grumbling dwarves into the forest. Kili held my hand the whole time we walked. I think we had been in the forest for 3 days or 3 hours. I couldn't tell time in here the sun and moon couldn't shine through the sick trees.

At one point I looked next to me only to see Thorin  holding my hand and gazing lovingly. I shook my head and tried to focus my mind. We stayed on the trail pretty good till it led us off a cliff. "Freaking wood elves" I swore under my breath. After losing the trail things went from bad to worse. We wandered in circles and the brain games the forest was playing with us only got worse. I saw Five different Kilis dancing around me. Then I saw my half brother Legolas kissing a dwarf. This forest was super screwed up.

I barely noticed Bilbo strumming a spider web that echoed through the forest. Then the dwarves started fighting shouting and shoving each other. Bilbo seemed to lose interest in the web's and started climbing a tree. I glanced at the dwarves and then followed Bilbo. We climbed for awhile then reached the top. I yanked back leaves and stuck my head out in the sun. "Oh my god I've missed you so much" I shouted raising my arms out and soaking up the rays.

"Guys I see the lonely mountain we are so close just need to cross a river" Bilbo shouted below. No answer.

"Kili Fili Thorin" I shouted down. Still no answer. Then something in the distance started moving the trees and it was coming closer. "Spiders" I whispered mortified. Bilbo and I ducked under the leaves and I quickly scanned the area. I misplaced my foot and slipped screaming. Something caught me whispering vile things. A spider "let me go foul creature" I screamed. It seemed to laugh then wrapped stung me with its stinger.

I went slack spider poison immobilized enemies. The thing wrapped me up and hung me with 13 other web sacks. I assume Bilbo got away but these other cocoons hold my friends. I wanted to struggle scream and stab every one of them. The spiders were conversing about eating Bombur when a noise echoed from a ways away. All but one of the spiders went after the noise. Then one left was about to eat Bombur when Bilbo appeared out of nowhere. Bilbo battle cried and shoved his sword into the spiders face.

"IT STINGS IT STINGS"  the spider screamed and died.

"Sting sting that's what I will call this sword" Bilbo beamed at the sword and then sliced me down. I ended up bouncing of a tree branch painfully I might add and landing not too far from where the others where. I quickly ripped the web's from my body and checked to see if I still had my weapons. Weapons check no broken bones check friends not check. I was about to go after them when a spider landed infront of me. I brandished my daggers and waved them professionally.

"Come at me beast" I smirked and yelled charging. I made quick work chopping its leg off then stabbings right between the eyes. Before I knew it more surrounded a lot too much for me to handle. I killed as many as I could but one hooked my arm with its claw. I yelled out and twisted to stab it. Someone beat me to it an elf a woodland elf specifically my half brother Legolas. I gulped and did the only thing I could do I power screamed. (Remember how she can scream like a nazgul )

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