Chapter 4

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Legolas immediately covered his ears and fell to he ground. I kept screaming. (stuff in [ ] is elvish) "[Burn]" Legolas yelled. Almost instantly the green leaf burns on my arm warmed up. It felt 10 times worse than getting them there in the first place. I screamed and fell to the ground clutching my arm. Someone gagged me so I was left clutching my arm and my wailing was muffled. Legolas grabbed my arm and forced me up. Legolas walked me to a clearing where the dwarves where being searched. Kili took one look at me and tried to strangle Legolas. Nearly got himself killed. I blinked away the tears and sent him a reassuring nod. But I knew what was coming and I knew it wouldn't be pleasant.

The whole company was dragged through the forest and into the Woodland kingdom. Well except for Bilbo who had mysteriously disappeared. Thorin seemed really concerned. But I heard tiny footsteps following us and I had a feeling Bilbo knew what he was doing. Walking through the gate to the kingdom brought back a lot of memories. Then the terror started setting in. I tried to struggle away but Legolas had a tight hold on me. I couldn't scream so I guess I had mind communications but that won't help. As we were herded to the Woodland kings throne I ducked my head down. I barely glanced up to see Thranduil turn lazily to us and cover a look of shock.

"What do we have here Legolas" Thranduil asked tilting his head.

"Princess Angela was wandering about with some dwarves" Legolas spat dragging me forward I shot a killer look at Thranduil.

"Really my long lost daughter has returned to beg for forgiveness Legolas ungag her" Thranduil demanded. I didn't need to look at the dwarves to know if looks could kill I would be dead. Legolas took the gag of.

"Don't try anything" Legoals hissed.

"Yes I've returned but not by choice father" I said the word father with obvious disdain.

"Hmm really dungeons and you 2 take her you know what to do" Thranduil pointed to 2 guards who dragged me away. I didn't try to struggle I knew what would happen if I did. I barely glanced up to see Kili looking down and Thorin about ready to kill me. The guards dragged d me to the blacksmith shop to find my specific burning iron. An enchanted Greenleaf burn to go with my last name Greenleaf. The first two burns go on the  same wrist the one you need to write with. The third the last warning goes on the face. One guard held my face and covered my mouth while the other one enchanted the iron and stuck it in the fire. When the iron was placed on my face stars exploded in my vision. I saw whiteness.

My mom step father and my other half brother smiling and beckoning me to follow them.

"Mom Ginder Dad am I dead" I asked taking a few steps towards them.

"Not yet honey you haven't given up you can choose to die or live" Mom whispered holding out a hand. I shook my head my journey hasn't ended I need to help my friends even if they hate me. I turned and ran the opposite direction into the darkness.

When I woke up I was in a jail cell. Kili was shouting my name and Thorin was silently swearing. I gingerly touched my cheek and hissed as it stung.

"I'm okay I think" I slowly sat up and crawls to the bars to peer out.

"Thank the Valar your alive but why didn't you tell us" Kili suddenly got angry.

"First of all you never asked second of all I knew you would hate me because you can't look past what happened to even see some elves are totally evil. And you wanna know why I got banished because I wanted to help you so Thorin keep your thoughts to yourself and the rest of you I if you dare say anything and I swear to Valar...." I yelled and let the threat hang in the air and crawls back to the back of my cell leaving the dwarves in a stunned silence. Tears started falling and burned the mark on face. I couldn't sleep but soon all of the dwarves had fallen into a deep sleep. Legolas walked up to my cell and knelt by it.

"I'm sorry" Legolas said simply.

"I am too" I agreed.

"You know I always wished you and I could be actual siblings but you hated living here and never spoke to me or Ada" Legolas sat down leaning up against the bars.

"Yeah I was just angry because I missed my mom and other half brother" I explained crawling up to the bars and peering out.

"And know your back I want you to stay forever but I'll help you leave" Legolas turned around. I smiled and nodded.

"I'll see you again I hope" I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Deception, Lies and destroying Smaug (hobbit fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now