Deception, Lies and destroying Smaug

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Chapter 1 Angela's POV

After that magical kiss. When I say magical I mean magical. We fell asleep cuddling. And woke up to people cashing bets and making kissy faces. Not the best way to wake up but funny. Thorin was not amused though he is still mad at me for my elven blood. I can't say I blame him my dad is a total jerkwad. Speaking off they still don't know who my dad is and it will stay that way. Getting down the Carrock was pretty hard for the dwarves me and my elven agility dominated. I hopped down the steps with ease and made it to the bottom before anyone else. "Come on slowpokes" I teased and laughed. They all grumbled and crawled down.

"Alright were too next" I asked.

"We have to go through Mirkwood" Gandalf said. Thorin glared at me and I raised my hands in surrender.

"Gandalf if we get caught you know what will happen to me" I whispered.

"You won't" Gandalf assured. We walked for a few days everything normal till we heard the warg howl. Bilbo scouted out and found and orc pack on our tail ans man they were close.

"Gandalf we can go to Beorns house" I offered. Gandalf curtly nodded.

"There was something else out there" Bilbo shouted.

"What form did it take" me and Gandalf asked at the same time.

"It was really big" Bilbo started.

"Was it a bear" I asked.

"Yes but much bigger how did you" Bilbo asked.

"I know a place we can go"Gandalf said.

"Friend or foe" Thorin spat.

"Neither" Gandalf replied.

"He will help us or he will kill us" I stated grim. I was lying Beorn was a close friend but I like to scare them.

"What choice do we have" Kili piped up.

"None" Gandalf answered. Thorin sighed deeply. Then a warg howled way too close. Kili grabbed my hand and we ran. I think we ran for 3 days pretty much nonstop. We only stopped 3 time for a quick bite to eat and a drink of water. I was exhausted but Beorn's house was still a day away.

"I think I'm gonna faint" I panted leaning on a stray tree. No on noticed they were all ahead of me. Blackness edged my vision and I collapsed. "Think ill just take a nap" I panted and blacked out. I woke up to a knife at my neck. I screamed and tried to get away. But some one was holding my arms.

"Where is Oakenshield she elf" Azog spat pushing the knife against my neck.

I choked "ill never tell [orc scum]." (stuff in [ ] is orcish.) Azog growled in anger and pressed the knife harder cutting skin. I started choking in blood and coughing.

"Tell or ill kill you" Azog grabbed my neck.

"Ill die then" I spat blood at him. He screeched in anguish and squeezed my throat. Blackness edged my vision. I heard a animalistic roar then lost consciousness.

"You'll never be welcome in any elvish realm again any of you" Thranduil yelled. His guards branded us with matching green leaf burns.

"Bye father" I spat. Thranduil banished me my mother my step father and my step brother. He banished them because of me I spoke up and tried to convince him to help the dwarves of Erebor. My mother supported me but she means nothing to Thranduil. Thranduil used her then when he found out about me tossed her aside. Leaving her and me at the edge of the forest as far from the castle as possible. Though after he found out I had more elvish blood than dwarf he took me from my family and locked me up in the castle.

I slowly regained my consciousness. First I felt pain in my throat. Then I realized I was on a soft bed and some one was holding my hand. I heard fuzzy voices one seemed sad the other angry with a hint of pleasure. After 10 or so minutes the voices seemed clearer. The angry was one was asking the sad one to leave me. The sad one kept refusing and squeezing my hand. After awhile I heard footsteps and a door open and close the angry one left. Then the sad ones voice became clear.

"Please wake up Angela I don't know what I would do without you" Kili begged clutching my hand. My throat was very sore so I couldn't talk. I weakly squeezed his hand back and he squealed like a girl.

"Oh thank the valar" Kili yelled and kissed all over my face. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I tried to talk but all I could do was make a raspy noise.

"Sssshhhh don't talk rest your voice" Kili smiled I weakly nodded. I slowly sat up and locked around. I was in a strangely familiar room I couldn't quiet put a finger on it. I looked at Kili confused.

"We are at Beorns house" Kili told me I made and o with my mouth and nodded. Then Gandalf came in I smiled and waved.

"You have us quite a scare there Angela we didn't find out you were gone till we got here" Gandalf said.

"We panicked when we heard the screams of orcs accompanied by a bears roar" Gandalf said.

"We thought you dead. But this morning Beorn came in carrying you. Limp and bloody you were. But I healed you and Beorn helped" Gandalf explained. I nodded and mouthed thank you.

"Now Kili come with me Angela you get some rest" Gandalf demanded. I yawned but it came out strangled and raspy. As soon as I hit the pillow I was out. My dreams were filled with orcs dragons and death lots of death. I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Beorn" I raspily said. I hugged him. "Thank you" I choked out.

"Anything for my soul sister" Beorn whispered. Me and Beorn are very close. He lives very close to the edge of Mirkwood so we played a lot when we were little. We are soul siblings. He hugged me and kissed me on the head before leaving and I feel into a peaceful sleep.

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