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Caroline sighed as she watched Klaus Elijah and Stefan argue about how to kill a psychotic maniac. It had been about ten minutes since Kol and Bonnie had left so it was just her and Elena watching the three loveable idiots argue. Caroline stood and cleared her throat.

"Elena would you like to join me for a bit of shopping?" She asked. The room went quite. The three guys were watching her and Elena.

"Why not Care" Elena said standing up.

"Wait a minute" Klaus said.

"What for, so we can watch you guys argue?" she asked. "I don't think so"

"I was going to say take Bonnie with you." Klaus said.

"Okay fine" she said. Elena and Caroline went in search of Bonnie. They found her in the garden in the arms of Kol. Bonnie pulled away from Kol and smiled.

"Thanks Kol" she said.

"You're welcome" he said. The two finally notice the two vampires by the door.

"Klaus said that I need to take Bonnie to go shopping so let's go." Caroline said.

"Go ahead darling I must go see what the plan is." Kol said before leaving. They all headed out onto Bourbon Street and went shopping. Caroline manged to find a baby store and just had to go in and look around. She ended up buying five unisex onesies that have hilarious sayings on them. Caroline's favorite is the one that says "I'm Cute, Mommy's Hot, Daddy's Lucky". After that we walked around until Caroline accidentally ran into a guy.

"I'm sorry" she said.

"It's fine, haven't see you three before are you new to town?"

"We are just visiting her boyfriend." Bonnie said.

"He's not my boyfriend until he asks." Caroline replied.

"I'm Marcel" he said.

"I'm Bonnie, this is Elena and Caroline." She said. Pure panicked went through Caroline but she never showed it. She apologized again before grabbing the girls hands and walking back to the house barely resisting the urge to run. When she got inside the house she let the panick start. She raced towards the living room followed by the girls to where the guys were still arguing.

"Guys I think we just met Marcel." Caroline said. Elijah went over to a desk before grabbing what looked like a photobook. He opened it and flipped through the pages till he got to the one he wanted. He walked over to them and showed them a picture of Marcel.

"Is that the person you saw?" He asked.

"Yes" Caroline said. Klaus growled.

"I don't want you going out anymore."

"If I always bring Bonnie Marcel can't get me." Caroline said.

"I don't care I don't want you out of this house till Marcel is dead." Klaus said growing impatient.

"Klaus, I will not be bossed around by you. If I want to go shopping then I'm going to go shopping whether you like it or not." Caroline snapped.

"I FORBID IT!" Klaus yelled.

"YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER ME!!" Caroline yelled back.


"GO TO HELL YOU BIG JERK!!" She rushed towards the stairs and up to her room she shared with Klaus. She walked in a slammed the door. She threw the bag of baby onesies at the wall before she laid down. She cried her eyes out as she laid there. A few minutes later she heard the door opened and lifted her head to see Klaus staring at the onesies that were now all over the floor. He picked one up and smiled. It was the one that said "Dad, It's Just Poop, Be A Man And Get In There"

"Don't worry luv, I will help change diapers." He said before sighing. "I'm sorry Caroline."

"I'm sorry too" she said. He walked over to her and stood between her spread legs.

"I just couldn't stand it if something was to happen to you or the little one." He said placing his forehead on hers. "It's weird that I have only know about this baby for almost a day but I feel so connected to it already."

"I know, I feel the same way." She said taking her hands and put them on her stomach. A few minutes of comfortable silence later Caroline cleared her throat. "What is the plan to get rid of Marcel?"

"We are going to gather as many vampires, werewolves and witches we can get and attack his homestead. We want to take out as many of his loyal people as we can." He said. "I have already sent Elijah and Elena to gather the vampires, Kol and Bonnie to see how many witches will follow. Stefan and Rebekah to see if we can get the werewolves on our side but that doesn't seem to hard since the hate Marcel for killing their pack members and throwing the rest of them out of New Orleans."

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"Protect the one person I can't live with out." He said.

"Sounds good to me the less you are in danger the better it is for my stress levels." She said. The laid down on the bed facing each other, hands entwined, faces close together. "We should find a good doctor so I can do my check up. I don't trust those evil witches."

"I have got that covered" he said making her give him a questionable look. "While you were gone I found a doctor specializes in vampire carries abd she happenes to be a vampire carrier too."

"Okay good, I'd rather know what I am to expect." She said

"Same here, she said we can come in anytime today." He said. Caroline sat up.

"Let's go now" she said.


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