Melanie Forbes Mikaelson

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Caroline tried to hide the pain. She was currently in labor and was trying to be quiet about it. Lacey would be here any minute so if shewas going to escape bow was the best time. She just needed to get these chains off her. At that moment her stomach glowed and the chains were unlocked.

"Thanks baby girl" Caroline said the got out of bed and hurried to the door before it opened. Lacey froze when she saw the bed empty and the chains on the floor. Caroline quickly grabbed her neck and snapped it. Lacey's body  hit the floor and Caroline left the room closing the door behind her. She bit her lip and grabbed the wall as a contraction hit her. "Melanie, I need you to stay in there a bit longer so I can get us out of here." She whispered as the contraction finished.

She had  to hurry. She ran down the hall and stopped at the corner. She used her super hearing to see if someone was coming. When she didn't hear anyone one she quickly dashed for where she knew was the exit. She pushed the door opened and used her super speed to leave the nasty place. She made it four miles before she had to stop at a gas station. The contraction were four minutes apart and she couldn't go anymore so she stumbled inside and almost fell into shelf. The gas station attendant  came rushing to her.

"Ma'am are you okay?" He asked. "Do you need an ambulance?" Caroline slipped down to the floor rest her back against a shlef.

"I need my boyfriend call him please." Caroline said before giving the gas station attendant Klaus phone number. The man took out his cellphone and called the number.

"Hello?" Klaus said.

"Hello, this is Gary from the Newt gas station outside of New Orleans. Your girlfriend is here and she is in labor."

"I'm on my way, can you hand the phone to Caroline." He said. Gary handed the phone to Caroline who was trying not to lose it.

"Baby.." Caroline said.

"Luv, I'm on my way just breath." Klaus said.

"I escaped from Marcel and he will come for me. He wants to kill Melanie and marry me. "Caroline said losing it.

"Luv, I almost there hold on." He said. Caroline noticed a car pulling up to the gas station. She almost cried when she saw Klaus and Elijah step out of the car. She hung up and gave the phone back to Gary.

"Thank you for helping me." Caroline panted.

"You are welcome" he said.

"You should close up for the day so if the guy who kidnapped me comes here you won't be here." Caroline said as Klaus and Elijah entered the gas station.

"Thanks for the advice." He said before going and getting his stuff. Caroline let out a scream of pain as another contraction hit her. Klaus grabbed her hand and help her through it. After the contraction finished he picked her up and led her to the car. Caroline looked back to see Gary locking the door of the gas station and heading to his car. Her view was cut off by Klaus putting her in the car and getting in himself. Elijah got in the drivers seat and drove off towards the hospital.

"If I wasn't so happy to see you I would kill you for putting me through this." Caroline hissed out as anotgrr contraction hit.

"I know luv but just think after this is over we will have a beautiful baby girl." He said as Elijah pulled into the hospital. He parked the car in front of the front door so they could quickly go in. Klaus picked up Caroline and raced into the hospital. "Someone help me my girlfriend is in labor!!" He yelled. A nurse came up to the with a wheelchair. Klaus set her in it and the wheeled her into delivery room. A few hours later and the cries of Melanie filled the room.

"She's gorgeous" Caroline said holding her. Klaus just nodded not know what to say. He was just in awe at this little precious gift. "Here take her" Klaus look at Caroline then at Melanie before  sitting down on the bed next to her then careful taking Melanie. Klaus looked into the eyes of his daughter and swore from that day on that he would never let anyone hurt her or her mother.  Klaus looked over at Caroline before leaning in and kissing her.

"I love you so much Caroline Forbes." He said making Caroline smile.

"I love you too Klaus Mikaelson."

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