Vampire Carrier Doctor

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Found this and was like aww that's so cute.

Caroline and Klaus walked into the Vampire Carrier's office.  The receptionist smiled at them as the walked up to the front desk.

"Hello I'm Klaus Mikaelson, I talked to Doctor Liza about my  pregnant girlfriend and she said to come in any time today." Klaus said getting a look from Caroline.

"Oh your the vampire carrier, hold on and let me inform Doctor Liza that you are here." She said before heading into the back.

"So I'm your girlfriend now am I?" She said.

"Only if you want to be" he said looking straight into her eyes.

"Then ask me" she said.

"Caroline Forbes, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes" she said smiling. The receptionist came back and lead them into the back and into a small room. Caroline took a seat on the exam table while Klaus to a seat on a chair next to it. A few minutes later Doctor Liza came in and shook their hands.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Liza" she said.

"I'm Caroline and this is my boyfriend Klaus." Caroline said.

"Nice to finally meet you" she said. "You are pregnant with a hybrid baby am I correct?"

"Yes, we just found out today." Caroline said.

"Great, so before we start do you have any questions about what to expect?" Doctor Liza said.

"Yes, Since I am a vampire will the pregnancy be all through all nine months?" Caroline asked.

"Since your a vampire carrier it will be half the time. I would expect the baby half way through your fifth month pregnant but don't worry the baby will be fully developed by then." She said.

"If I have any more questions can I call you?" Caroline asked.

"Of course, now lay back and we will see how your baby is doing." Caroline laid back on the exam table and lifted her shirt. Doctor Liza put some gel on her stomach and then grab the little wand from the machine and put it on her stomach. She moved it around untill the heard a heart beat. Caroline and Klaus's face light up as the saw the baby.

"It has grown a bit since this morning." Caroline said.

"It will get bigger and bigger and from the size right now I'd say you will probably have this baby in three months instead of five. It will definitely be a well developed baby." She said. 

"Oh god Klaus" Caroline said panicing.

"Luv, it will be alright we can handle this together." Klaus said.

"We don't have all the things we need." She said.

"Then we will get them but you need to calm down first." Klaus said. Caroline took deep breaths to calm herself.

"These freaking hormones are drivng me insane." She said.

"I have been there with my little Tommy. " Doctor Liz said wiping of the gel from Caroline's stomach. "I will see you next month." She left the room while Caroline got down. They left the doctor's office and went home to find about fifty vampires, werewolves and witches in the house. Caroline and Klaus made their way through the crowd in search of the other Mikaelson and their friends. They found them in the library huddled together.

"So I see you succeed in get them to help us." Klaus said.

"Yes, all of them have either been wronged my Marcel or have know someone that was wrong by him." Elijah said.

"Good we will take out Marcel's army first then once that is done we will kill Marcel." Klaus said.

"When do you plan on set them loose?" Kol asked.

"Tomorrow morning, since all of the vampires here seem to have a daylight ring and I know for a fact that half of Marcel's army doesn't." Klaus said.

"I hope this goes fast cause we have to get ready for the baby." Caroline said. She had the feeling she was going to throw up so she ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. She felt someone move her hair out of the way.  When she finished the person handed her a napkin. She took it and thanked the person before she stood up. Klaus flushed the toilet while she brushed her teeth.

"God I can't wait for the baby to come so I won't have throw up anymore." Caroline said. Klaus chuckled and they left the bathroom and headed back to the living room. They didn't make it to the living room before Caroline screamed out in pain. She clutched he stonach and fell to the ground. Sophie and Sammy stepped into the house.

"I come here and see nothing being done. I don't think you understand the importance of the situation." Sophie said.

"Sophie stop" Sammy said.

"This is how we get things do." Sophie said.

"That's it I can't take it anymore." Sammy said then pulled out a knife and stabbed Sophie in the heart. Sophie fell to the floor and Caroline stopped screaming. "I'm sorry for my involvement in your kidnapping I just want Marcel dead." Klaus ignored the witch and helped Caroline up. He listened for the heartbeat and was relieved to hear it was getting stronger. Caroline smiled and put her hands on her belly.

"Our baby is a fighter" Caroline said.

"All Mikaelson's are fighters." Klaus said.

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