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"Took a decade for you to come back, huh?" I said while resting my jaw on his shoulder.

"Sorry" He leaned his chin on the side of my head and stroking my hair.

"Well, I'm starving" he stated out of the blue.

"So?" I responded.

"Let's have a dinner!" he showed his rectangle smile.

. . .

I was standing in front of my closet, i didn't know what should I wear though. "Taehyung-ahh... What should I wear?" I shouted, just to made sure he heard me.

"A dress?" He shouted back. Seriously? Dress?

I put on white casual dress. It wasn't too much, the length just above my knee.

. . .

We arrived to a fancy restaurant, it wasn't that far from my place. The restaurant located on the 30th floor of a fancy hotel building. It offered a fantastical city night view. He already reserved a table which situated on the window side. He knew that I do really love watching night view from high place, I guess that's why he chose this place.

I didn't realize that I already dozed off watching majestic Seoul's night view. He waved his hand and woke me up from my daydreaming. I blinked my eyes and realized that a birthday cake was already on the table along with the candles.

"Happy 22nd birthday, Park Chaera. I'm sorry I can't celebrate your birthday that time" He held my hands and brushed it softly with his thumb.

"Who taught you until to be this sweet huh? But anyway thank you, Taehyungiee... I didn't expected it though" I put some whipped creams on his nose.

The dinner went smoothly, he made me laugh with his jokes and his weird actions, he told me that he did a great job on his tour. Tour? Yeah, he was an idol. He was a part of a very well-known boy group, they named their group as BTS.

We finished our dinner and he drove me home. He dropped me and we bid farewell. Before he left, I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Taehyung-ah"

"For what?" He chuckled.


"No need to thanks, Chaera. It's my duty as your unbeatable loyal bestfriend"

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