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I didn't bother to care about everyone looking at me. I didn't want to see the disgusting look that was left on Josh's face. I knew I shouldn't have let Josh get to me. I knew I should've just kept everything how it was between us; just sex. I should have just left it off as that. I probably would be heart broken, but at least I wouldn't have made an ass out of myself by running out of a Disney store with a skirt on crying.

I found a bench and sat down. I didn't know how long I've been running, but I know I have been running a lot since I have to catch my breath. I looked around and saw that I was in a location that I knew nothing about. I wiped the tears away and sniffled then looked down at my skirt fixing it. "Hey are you okay?" I looked up and saw the one person I didn't want to see.


After Tyler ran off I paid for the stitch and punched the guy in the face. "Don't you fucking talk about my princess like that." I kicked him then picked up stitch and ran after Tyler. I followed the empty walkway hoping my baby didn't run far. I made it to the doors and quickly looked around hoping to find him. I didn't see him and started to freak out. I took out my phone as tears started to form. I called his number and tugged at my hair.

"H-Hello?" I heard my baby's voice as if he was crying. "Baby where are you?" I asked as my voice cracked. "Daddy help p-please." He sounded scared. "Where are you? Look at your surroundings baby and breath." I could hear him try to catch his breath as he hiccuped. "I-I'm at JoshuaTree street." I knew where that was and ran to my car buckling in and starting the car. "Okay princess. I'm on my way. Stay calm and stay on the phone with me." My heart was racing.

He gasped and started yelling. "STAY AWAY!" My heart beat went faster. "Baby what's wrong?!" I drove faster wanting him with me and safe. "Daddy I'm hiding." He hiccuped and silently cried. "Baby I'm here where are you hiding?" I looked around and got out of the car. "F-First house. H-He kidnapped me." My eyes went wide and I began to overcome with anger. I ran up to the door and busted in. "DADDY!!" Tyler ran up to me dropping his phone and quickly hugging me.

I quickly pick him up and then his phone and hang up the call. He hid his face against my neck as he cried and began to shake. I quickly walked out the door and kissed the side of his head holding him close. "It's okay baby. I'm here. Daddy's got you." I got to the car and set him in the passenger seat. I was about to let him go, but he held onto me not uncovering his face. "Baby it's okay. I'm right here. I'm just going to buckle you up then get in the drivers seat and drive us home."

He let go and sat in his seat covering his face crying. I kissed his cheek and buckled him in. "Look at me princess." He uncovered his face and let his head hang as he cried. I grabbed his chin and turned his face towards me. I wiped away his tears. "Can daddy kiss his beautiful princess?" I saw him smile a bit as he sniffled and nodded his head. I smiled and brought him into a kiss. I felt him smile into the kiss and he held onto my shirt.

We slowly broke the kiss. "I'm going to get into the drivers seat now. Okay?" He nodded his head and let go of my shirt. I closed his door and got into the drivers seat. The car was already on so I drove off to our house.

We were half way to my house. He didn't let me turn on the radio and he never let go of my hand. I'm not complaining that I get to hold his hand, but he held on tight. I lifted our hands and kissed the back of his hand. "Your safe baby. I'm not letting you out of my sight." We got to my house and I turned off the car and got out. I walked out of the car and walked over to the passenger seat. I opened his car door and unbuckled him and lifted him up into my arms.

"Come on baby." He hid his face against my chest and held on tightly to me. I kissed the side of his head and closed the car door with my foot. I walked to the trunk and got out the stuffed stitch. "Baby look. It's stitch." He sniffled and looked up then hid his face again. I closed the trunk and walked up to the house. I walked into the house and closed the door then walked to my room. I sat down on the bed with him on my lap.

I set stitch beside me and rubbed his back. "Baby what happened? Let me know so I can help." He grabbed stitch and held onto him for dear life. "R-Ryan took me." Anger fueled me.

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