part 4

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A man could be seen stumbling, trying to get to the window from where he heard a irritating tap, which woke him up from his slumber. It was the day after the full moon.

He finally made his way over. Taking the letter from the owl, giving him some water.

He turned the letter over, and almost dropped it in shock.

He sat down starting at the familiar handwriting, not believing it was true. After starting for another few minutes daring it to vanish, he slowly opened it.

He saw a neat written letter, and many tear splashes. What he saw made his heart clench. He finally gathered enough courage to read it.

dearest brother.

How are you Remus? I hope this letter finds you well. I hope Moony wasn't too hard on you.

Do you still live at the same cottage, does it still have that tree house, which you all built for me.
Did you get a job as a Professor yet. Or are you giving extra lectures.

Did you get married or perhaps get yourself a girlfriend, a love interest. When do you plan to get married.

I miss you, I wished to come back so many times, but never got the courage to do so. I am very sorry for leaving you there alone. I feel guilty, but after what happened.
I couldn't stand being in that world, and with Percy still so young.
The ministry did not believe me, and then I lost whatever right I could have had over Harry.

I had already lost Lily, James and Sirius all in one day. Harry was given to Petunia as her charge. Marlene was already gone, and Alice and Frank, were as good as gone. You were broken and closed off. There was nothing for me left there. I once again felt lonely, alone.
My family, my brothers were taken away from me.

I... I wished you were here, I wanted to come visit so many times, but with Percy. I never got the time, i got busy, rather made myself busy with my new life as a muggle.
But now, I am coming back. And I needed to see you once atleast.
If you will ever consider me as your sister again.
Percy got his letter from hogwarts, 2 years early, he is still 9. So I'm coming back.
I need to visit them all. James and Lily along with Marlene and twins. Then Alice and Frank.

I want my brother back. My son gave me enough strength to write this letter.
I need you remmy. I need my brother.

Love your sister.
Sally (silver)

P.s Percy wants to meet you. And he says hi.

The man had tears running down his cheek by the time he finished reading the letter.

He quickly found a quill and a parchment, and wrote back his address, to come over as soon as she can.
He signed, feeling better for the first time in years.
Even after the full moon.

He quickly arranged the guest room ( which was his parents room before) and then Sally's room.

Percy was waiting for his mom, by the gate. Sally was casting some spells to ward the place.
The duo had packed their bags, and were ready to leave, with Percy still munching on his blue cookies.

It was after 2 days when Remus was waiting by the front door waiting for his childhood best friend, his little sister, the first person to accept his furry little problem.
It was a few minutes past 8 in the morning, when he heard the pop sound. He hurriedly went to open the door.
He saw a young enthusiastic boy, holding on his bags. Then his gaze shifted to the woman who stood beside the young boy.
The woman, who was a mere little girl, the first time they met, the young charming teenage girl, who left to visit and take care of her uncle in muggle America, came back pregnant. The young lady who became a mother too soon, but left to keep her child safe.
She was standing there infront of him.

'rem, oh moony' He heard a familiar voice say, almost inaudible.

He opened his arms, for a hug.  The woman quickly ran and closed the distance then hugged him. She shed a few tears. So did he.

" not that I'm not happy, but mom you haven't even introduced us yet!" a young voice said.

He turned and saw the speaker of the voice

A young boy with jet black windswept hair and eyes which resembled the sea 🌊 a mischievous smile.
Remus realised he was studying the young boy.

Percy went towards him offered him his hand, " hello sir, I'm Percy Jackson, I'm joining hogwarts this year. And I'm 9."

Remus was impressed with the boys confidence.

Soon they all went inside, and started talking.
With Percy asking them questions, about hogwarts.

It was lunch time, when Percy moved to the kitchen, and took out the ingredients to prepare some sandwiches, as both Remus and sadly were busy talking.
He then prepared some eggs and salads. The only thing he knew how to make.
He took a pitcher of water.
Then arranged the items on table. And called for the two adults.

While Remus was apprised, Sally just beamed at her son's thoughtfulness.

Soon they started telling Percy about their days before hogwarts.

By the end of which, Percy started calling Remus, uncle remmy or uncle moony.

He stated teaching Percy some really advanced spells.
The time went by, each day they became more of a family.

Percy was advanced for his age, but his dyslexia made him seem normal.

Remus and sadly priced out to be an amazing duo, they made everything easy for Percy. It was finally after a lot of hard work, when Percy was ready to leave for hogwarts. Standing on the platform 9 3/4 quarters.
He was looking at the train. Ready to start his journey.

I'm sorry for the late update, and I would appreciate some votes and comments.

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