part 7

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Percy was very excited, he would see his mother after almost 5 months.
He was even more excited about the results he received in his 1st year. He was bouncing at the thought of going home. He felt normal for once.

It was a long wait for Percy, as the twins and Lee took their time, in getting ready, then getting their trunks.

Finally after what felt like months, they boarded the hogwarts express.
The whole way, they kept on discussing plans and pranks.

When finally when around late noon, did they reached platform 9 3/4. Percy ran and took his trunk. Searching for his mother.
When he did locate his mother, she was standing smiling at him. He rushed to greet her.
He quickly introduced his friends to his mom, when a new voice called out, "Sally is that you?!"  They all turned around, Percy saw a plump red haired woman, with a kind smile and a bit of misty eyes walking towards them. He looked at his mother, to see her moist eyes.
"molly..."  his mother whispered.

They hugged each other.
And then started talking to each other.

When finally after some time, they realized they are at a platform.

"Sally, these are my sons. Bill the eldest graduated this year only. Charlie finished his 6th year, Percy finished his 3rd year and finally the twins competing their 1st year. My two youngest are at home. Ron and Ginny." She said pointing at all of them.
The twins and I exchanged a grin.

"I only know the twins, seems like our sons are already friends. This is my son Perseus. He too finished his first year." mom said.

I greeted her, then finally we are welcomed at her home. Later we all went home.

The start of the vacation was not exactly as I thought it would be. It was power and animagus training along with magical classes and p.e.

Finally a few days before my birthday, after I had successfully mastered my animagus form, and was quite good at my water powers. We went to see the weasely's.

Me and the twins got reacquainted, and starting discussing plans on how to do a welcome back prank.
The only three options we came up were....
1) changing the school robes of all the students.
2) make peeves drop dung or sparkling glue at all the professors.
3) place an assortment of candies on each table, that would inturn mute the person eating it for 10 minutes.

It took them long to settle on idea 3rd.

Finally after a long time they finished making arrangements. By the time it was night, and everyone was waiting for them for dinner.

The next few days they exchanged letter's completing the prank.

In between Percy's birthday party planning was secretly taking place.
The day came when Percy would be turning 10. He was excited to see what he got from his mother.

But he was surprised to wake up looking at his favorite pair of red heads, who were grinning down at him. He slowly got up. But before he could open his mouth, they blindfolded him, and took him downstairs, after reaching there, they removed the cloth barring his view. He was shocked to see so many presents, never had he received more then 2 gifts, that too from his mother.

He hugged his mother, saying thank you. Then greeted everyone around him, and thanked them.
After that he moved towards his gifts.
Slowly opening them, making the twins groan. He snickered at their fake anger.

And tear opened the gifts.
Studying each gift and thanking the give for their generosity.

The day soon came to an end, with a large dinner. And lots of fun activities.

Finally the next day they went to buy the school stuf. Percy got his books in Greek.
After the tiring shopping trip, they went home. And checked the list.
Then finally Percy started doing his homework, with a few days left for the school to reopen.

He later skimmed through his second year book's.
The 1st of September came in a blink. And Percy was more then excited to go back to one of the only places he will ever consider home, or where he felt welcomed.

As he sat in the hogwarts express, after having send his goodbyes to his mother.he began rubbing how this year will turn out to be, when the compartment door slid open, and in came the disastrous -red headed- duo, With the question, " so are you ready for the 2nd year full of pranks perse?"

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