Chapter 4

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"Ally! get up its 10:30!" I heard my mom's faint voice from downstairs. I stared up at my ceiling thinking about what hapened last night. Her face was engraved into my memory. The skin was almost.....grey. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

While walking down the stairs, I could smell my dad's famous pancakes. Dad must have finished setting up the kitchen and bought groceries. Layla was standing behind him, gripping her plate hard. They were playing flying pancakes. Its a game my family has passed on for a while. Once the pancake is done cooking, the cooker stands facing backards from the eater. They flip the pancake over there head with the spatula. The eater trys their best to catch the pancake in the air. Its really fun.

Mom was ripping through envolopes at the table. I grabbed a plate and took two pancakes. My dad wrinkled hs forehead. "Ally you don't want to play?" he asked. "That game is for kids." I responded bitterly and sat across from mom. Dad looked hurt and my mom gave me a stern look. 

I sighed and jabbed at my breakfast. I needed time to think. Go over what happened last night. Layla was in the kitchen for some reason, talking to someone.  I didnt notice that before. I was too focused on the broken vase and her magic hand cut. Layla sat next to me and forked a precut piece of pancake and dipped in syrup.

I looked at mom and dad. Mom was rubbing her forehead and sighing, probably bills and taxes. dad was cleaning up. I leaned over and whispered to Layla. "Who were you talking to last night?" She looked at me, suprised I would ask that. 

"Myself, now get out my business." she snarled and ate another piece of pancake. I was suprised about the response. Of course she would'nt tell me, that was a stupid way to go at it.

I dumped the rest of my pancakes in the trash, and set my plate in the sink. "Honey, you barely ate anything." Dad said while he was loading the dish washer. I shrugged and went to my room. 

I scrambled through my boxes of  books. I finally found what I was looking for. The leather book.

My grandmother gave it to me, the moment before she was gone. "Dont waste it." I remember her rough voice, she could'nt breath on her own, machines and wires surrounded her. I grabbed my lucky black felt tip pen and began writing. 

This is not a Diary.

Do not open unless permission is granted.

Belongs to Ally Stevens.

 I drew a picture of the girl that was in the driveway and put notes around her picture like a diagram. I left an area above her head for her name because I still didnt know it.

I needed more information. I could go to the adandoned house, she invited me there anyway. I ran down the stairs and shouted to my parents. "I'm going out to know the area!" Then slammed the front door.

I walked down the dirt road towards the ruined house. I grabbed a medium sized stone as a weapon, just in case. 

 As I approached the house I could hear laughter. "um..hello?" I called out, gripping the rock tight. The laughter stopped. The girl showed up in the door frame. "what are you doing here!" she hissed. I took a step back. "You invited me over last night." I said quietly.

 Then she was gone. Just like last night. I blinked. "you must not be a very good listener. I told you to stay away." her voice came from my right. she was leaning up against a dead tree. "How did you get..." my voice trailed off. 

"Leave." she said. Then she appeared up in the tree, sitting on a branch. She was....teleporting. "What's your name?" I ask, keeping her glare and locking it. "Ashley." She said and snickered. I heard a rustling in the bushes behind her. "WHAT DID I SAY? GET OUT." Her voice screeched. I was studying the bush that moved. It shuffled again. 

I started walking toward it. Ashley was suprised by my action and transported right in front of me. " I TOLD YOU-" then... I walked through her. I was as suprised as her. She fell to her knees and clutched her chest in pain. "Burn in hel-" but I didnt let her finish her sentence. I noticed the footsteps in the dirt behind me and and turned around. Layla was running out of the bush towards home. 

"Layla!" I shouted. She didnt look back. I chased her. I was a four time gold winner in track, she had no chance. I quickly caught up with her and tackled her into the grass. She screamed when I tackled her. She was bawling. her eyes were red and stuffy and her nose was running. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please! I swear Ally didnt see me-" she stopped when she saw I  was the one who tackled her.

Her whole body froze up. "A-Ally?!" she stuttered. "What the hell are you up to?" I screamed in her face.



I'm really proud of myself, in my other old books I didnt update this recently

 I never got passed chapter 2 in those books. 

Listening to Lorde helps me focus so I sugguest you listen to some of her songs like Glory and Gore or White Teeth Teens (those are my favorite)

hope you enjoyed!!!!!!

follow me to keep updated :)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 


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