No Quarter

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As a prisoner runs through the woods, for his life, hitting against the trees and falling, hiding behind a tree
"Well well well, that was quite a run! I'm now famished" Kol says as his eyes go vainy and bites his prey
I'm facing away with Freya, trying to locate Uncle Nik and I hear the screams of Kol's breakfast
"Is that really necessary?" Freya asks as she turns around,
"Yes sister" Rebekah says as she throws down the man she drained dry,
"Well," I begin as I walk up to my three Aunts and Uncle, "Freya and i can't concentrate with a screams of your meals." I snap back jokingly at   Rebekah
"Kol!" Elijah reprimands, "a little quieter please!" And a neck snaps, "thank you" Elijah says as he smiles
"There's a cloaking spell, we can't break it, we need to get to New Orleans" Freya tells the small group and Kol finally comes back, blood all over his face and body
"I have informants in New Orleans," Hayley says, "the city is crawling with Vampires, naturally," I interrupt her, "I assume they want us dead?" I say with a smirk on my face
"Of course" Hayley says as she winks at me,
"I just want to be in long enough to break the spell and save Klaus" I look at Freya.
"And what about my father? Do we just show like sitting ducks?" Kol walks up behind me, "Well Tatia, you're a powerful girl, you'd be able to kick ass when needed" I turn around at him and I use my Magic to freeze him and lift my hand up to choke him with my magic, he's up against a tree, "by any chance, do you know how fast it takes to grow a head back from it being blown up? I discovered a new power. My mother had"
"Tatia, let Kol go," Elijah tells me sternly, "oh Uncle Elijah, I wasn't going to actually hurt him, he said i was powerful, I'm just showing him. I was just going to" I turn around and smile at my Eldest Uncle, "just break his neck" and with a flick of my hand I do so and Kol falls down with a thud.
"Now, lets go to New Orleans and get Nik back" I say proudly and begin to walk away but Elijah stops me by grabbing my by my arm
"Heal him." I roll my eyes and I use my ring, which is sharp enough to cut skin, I cut my wrist open and put it against Kol's mouth and my blood seeps into his mouth and he shoots back up after a minute
"Now shall we go?" I ask Elijah
"Well I suggest we lure Marcel out" Kol says, "and Tatia I'm incredibly proud, your stronger than your own mother" I smile at my Uncle and kiss his cheek
"I have been away from my daughter long enough Kol, are you afraid to face Marcel?" Hayley asks him annoyed
"We are in danger until Freya comes up with more of the cure from our werewolf hostage, Marcellus can chew through our throats" Elijah says calmly but I can hear the damage of pride he feels.
"We are rescuing Klaus, even if we need to burn the whole town down" Elijah says sternly.

"Sofya, so you're telling me, Hayley found the venom from all 7 packs?"
"Yes, and your informant, Brandon?"
I get nervous, "what about him?" I hired Brandon to find my daughter and to keep tabs on her, but he disappeared for 3 years and when Sofya showed me the picture of Brandon with Tatia I had him tracked down.
"I believe he is in love with your daughter Marcel, whenever our mercenary tried to torture answers about what she's been up to he won't talk. If he's not in love with her he cares for her." I shake my head in amusement, "Marcel this isn't a laughing matter!" Sofya lectures me, "he could have told her things about us, about you!" I look at Sofya with annoyance,
"Compell him Sofya." She looks at me with anger, "he's on vervain Marcel."
"Well let's lure my daughter out from hiding. It's time for a reunion" I say smirking, "is there anything else?"

"Tatia what are you doing here?" Josh asked me panicked, "Marcel has his guys looking for you, He thinks you can lead him to the Mikaelaons."
"Well he doesn't have to look very far," Rebekah says with her British accent and Elijah, Kol, Freya, and Hayley come into the room, "we're already here" Rebekah finishes as she walks over to me and holds my hand lovingly
"What do you guys want?" Josh asks annoyed, "lets get this over with"
"Our brother, Tatia's Uncle, Hopes father." Elijah says calmly with a hint of anger in his voice, I step up to him and leave Rebekah's hold on me, "he's suffered enough. I want my family back Josh, not matter what it takes." Josh looks at me as if I'm insane.
"Tatia do you have any idea what he'd do to your family? To you?" He walks over to me he's right in front of me and begins to speak in a low tone, "He'll kill you and Freya easily,  you guys are just witches" Kol laughs, "don't underestimate her power Mate, she takes after her mother" Josh shoots his eyes towards Kol and the rest of the Mikaelaons, "he'll kill you guys too" Rebekah then pulls me back towards her protectively,
"He wouldn't hurt me, let alone his only daughter Josh, Tatia and i will go to him, if i don't work I'm sure as hell Tatia would, he wouldn't hurt her." Elijah then steps in, "I am not sending you let alone our own niece into a battle you two can die in." Elijah then pulls me and pushes me behind him
"He won't hurt me Elijah, I'm his daughter." I pause and he looks at my sympathetically
"So," Rebekah says, "are you ready to go Love?" I look at her then at the rest of my family and smile

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