"Please don't go" I begged my Aunt and Uncle as Elijah begged Hayley to stay as well.
Hayley stopped and faced Elijah, "the whole point of you going to Vincent was to get the ancestors on our side. Find the bones, stop the Hollow from getting-"
"Why are you doing this?" Elijah questions Hayley as Klaus puts his arm around my shoulder
"Because they've asked me to." Hayley says and then faces me, "they want you to come too Tatia." Hayley says to me and I lift my eyebrow curiously, "besides," Hayley speaks up, "who else is going to go? You slipped the throats of four witches."
"That was a necessity." Elijah says furiously
"Really?" I interrupt, "was it? Cause it always seems there's a necessity for killing witches." I lecture my uncle, I'm a witch too, I take pride in my powers and what he's done was offended me and my heritage.
"Tatia, we are at war with a creature we do not yet understand." Elijah tries to reason with me
"That's the point" Hayley says before I can say anything, "We don't understand this thing or how to stop it. But one thing's for sure is that we need help, and I'm going to get it, with or without you, Tatia, Freya, or Klaus." Hayley tells Elijah as she walks out, I look to Klaus and back and Elijah, Klaus and I follow Hayley and leave Elijah behind with his own thoughts.
Hayley and I waited for Klaus at St. Anne's Church and when he finally showed up we walked in and prepared ourselves for the worst.
"It's quiet" Hayley says as she walks around the room curiously,
"There's definitely magical energy here, I can feel it, its so strong." I tell my Aunt, Klaus rolls his eyes,
"Of course it's quiet, it's a trap, Tatia sensing the magic only proves that it is" Klaus says impatiently
"We don't know that, all because I sense strong magic here doesn't mean it's a trap, it just means powerful spells were preformed here." I tell my Uncle
"New Orleans witches hated my family for centuries, it's a trap."
"Covens protect their own," Hayley tells Klaus, "Tatia and Hope are New Orleans witches. They won't harm them."
"Hope is a far cry from a French Quarter fortune teller, and while we're on the subject she's 7. If anyone wants to talk to her they'll need my permission." Klaus says and I chuckle
"Its going to be hilarious when she starts dating" I tell my Uncle and pat him on the back.
"My young niece, you needn't laugh at my possessiveness, I'm going to be the perfect gentleman, and should any suitors fail to meet my expectations. I'll compel them to the priesthood." Klaus tells me as he winks at my slyly but I just chuckle and push him away
Us three hear footsteps coming towards us and Klaus looks past my shoulder, "ah, Harvest girls, I suppose you speak on behalf of the ancestors?"
"Provided you come in peace" one of the teenage girls replies
"Well that depends on you, doesn't it?" I tell the witches smirking
"We don't want to fight one of our own, you're part of our Coven Tatia, our magic is your magic, we wouldn't use our magic on each other" Hayley looks over and smiles at me warmly
"Although your uncle murdered all four of us, so let's not pretend we're friends of your family Tatia." I laugh at their comment, "sounds good to me" I smile at the four girls in front of me.
"Where are the ancestors" Klaus said bluntly.
Klaus sat on the sacristy steps while I helped the harvest girls with a ritual to allow us to communicate with the ancestors, I turn around to Hayley and Klaus, "I need your blood."
"Why do you need our blood?" Klaus asked dumbfounded
"If you want answers we need to guide you to the ancestors and since you're not witches we need to..."
"Bend the rules" Hayley says as she walks over to me,
"A simple loop hole,"a harvest girls interrupts, joining the conversation, " You're both bound by blood to a New Orleans witch, we can use a link between you and your child to help you commune with the Ancestors." Hayley agreed and bit into her wrist allowing her blood of drip into the bowl, Hayley moves and Klaus does the same.
"Why do I sense there's something you're leaving out?" Klaus says as he faces me and I give him a small mischievous smile, "just one little thing, it's gonna hurt" I tell my Aunt and Uncle and they both scream out in pain and collapse on the ground, I sit between the two hybrids and grab their hands, entering the ancestral plane
"Tatia!" Klaus says angrily, before he tries to walk over to me to yell at me but I push him away with my magic,
"Klaus don't be angry she didn't tell you." I hear a familiar voice say, I turn to where the voice came from and I see a woman standing in a heavy coat with a hood on her face, the woman walks towards us, my heightened sense of smell picks up the familiar sent of cherry blossoms, but I can't remember where it's from, it's comforting and welcoming.
"I wasn't sure if you were going to show up." The woman says
"Well I'm full of surprises," Klaus says, "I hope you intend to make the trip worth the effort." Klaus says as he moves in front of me, shielding me from the view of the unknown woman but I push him out of the way so I can continue studying her, she's short, and has a loving, calm, inviting voice.
The woman takes off her hood to reveal herself, Klaus' face goes pail, I hear his thoughts, "I missed you so much" I look over at the woman who died 5 years prior, the woman who always fought her hardest to protect me, the woman whom fell in love with a monster. My mother, in my very sight, she looks so beautiful and powerful.
"Mom?" I question, she looks at me and smiles and tears swell up in her eyes, "hi baby girl" my mother replies and I run to her and she holds onto me and I begin to cry in her shoulder, my mother, in my very arms again.
"How's Hope?" My mother asks my Aunt and Uncle, Klaus can't speak so Hayley answers for him.
"She's good, such a powerful little girl"
"How do we defeat the hollow?" I ask my mother as I grab onto her hand
"Before I tell you how, you need to know her origin" my mother tells my Uncle,
"Her?" Hayley questions
"Yes, she's one of our common ancestors Hayley."
"So how do you kill the hollow" Klaus asks my mother,"
"Klaus that's the thing, you can't."
"Mom if this thing is so powerful why would you tell us all this?"
"The rest of Ancestors and I decided you needed to know this." She told me and my Aunt Hayley.
"Please tell your ancestors that they've waisted my time" Klaus said to my mother impatiently, "I've been alive for thousands of years and I've never met anything I couldn't kill, we will defeat this pathetic Phantom as well."
"It was her family that turned her into this, they should've stopped it." Hayley says
"You don't this they tried?" My mother says, "All they wanted to do is undo what their magic did. But it was the beginning of the end. Over time she grew more and more powerful. Indanu would channel all life in all forms, her hunger was insatiable. She loved the fear she inspired in others, her people knew she was ruthless, empty, unfeeling. Until that became her remaining quality, that's when they began calling her The Hollow"
"She killed them, all of them, didn't she?" I asked my mother, I was speechless...Hayley looked at me as did Klaus
"Not because they hurt or were unkind. They did it for fun" my mother said to me, Hayley looked over to my mother alarmed. I was disturbed, Hayley was just horrified by the look on her face
"Well to be fair," Klaus spoke up to break the silence, "We all have bad days" my mother chuckles and Klaus smiles.
"Do you think this is a joke Klaus?" Hayley tells him, "this thing is after our daughter! She almost got to Tatia too!" Hayley yells angrily
"I know Hayley!" Klaus shouts back
"Listen to me!" Rebecca shouted at her two friends, "If you listen to me we can put The Hollow away for good." Hayley and Klaus look over at Rebecca
"The Hollow only has one weakness." She tells them
"You now have my undivided attention love." Klaus tells my mother
She turned to face Hayley and me
"We are her weakness, but since I am dead, you two are the only chance we have." She tells Hayley and I as she walks over to us and grabs our hands
"Me? Tatia? Why are we the only ones who can stop her?" Hayley asks Rebecca
"Rebecca you are crazy if you think I'd let the mother of my child go up to The Hollow, let alone Tatia" Klaus said protectively
"Klaus I told you all you needed to know" Rebecca says and then grabs mine and Hayley's hand and made us vanish into thin air.
I woke up back in st. Anne's Church and Klaus was next to Tatia and I, I look up to see Rebecca, standing above me and I turn around and see Marcel, passed out, in a ritual circle.
"What the hell is all this?" I asked her and she smiled and helped me stand
"This is what we needed to stop the Hollow." Rebecca tells me .
"What we needed was Klaus, or even Marcel!" I tell her.
"No Hayley, what we need is you and Tatia." Rebecca tells me
"I'm not letting Tatia help me with this, she's just a kid Becca, she's your daughter, I'm sure you don't want anything to happen to her."
"Nothing will happen to her because I gave her my blood. She'll be in full power to protect herself, I gave her a vial of my blood, it's around her neck, she can either channel it or become the Tribrid, she'll be strong enough to help you take the Hollow down."
"I still don't understand why we need to do this."
"It all comes down to the bloodline." Rebecca tells me, "That's the only thing that worked against her. When her evil became too great to bear, the tribes United to defeat her. The Elders managed to capture her using magical bindings, but even with all that power, Indanu was too strong. Death seemed the only way of stopping her. Four of the strongest elders came together to create an axe and embedded their magic in it. When the axe was ready they relied on her parents, her father, your ancestor prepared the ritual to pass over the axe to her mother, my ancestor, her parents spilled their blood on the axe and as her father held her down her mother killed her. But before her mother killed her Indanu casted a spell, a curse, which was powered by her own death. She bound them all to the full moon, once a month they'd turn into the very beast they used to hunt her"
"The Hollow created the werewolf curse" I realized.
"She bared the mark of the Crescent and her mother bared the mark of the half sun, as does Tatia and I.
"That's why she's been hunting royal blood lines," I concluded, "It's why she went after the girls"
"The Hollow fears you and my daughter. It's why she wants you, Tatia gone, and if you die there's only one Kenner left. "
My eyes went wide and my heart sank, "Hope"
"We can protect our Daughters Hayley, you just need to trust me" Rebecca told me"
"I do"
"The ancestors and I can't find the Hollow, that means she's chosen a host," Rebecca tells me as she raises her hand up and Klaus vanishes,
"I sent him back to the Mikaelaon Manor so he's not in our way."
"Tatia, if you can find her by a locating spell it would help greatly, if not the you and Hayley will need to track her, you both can fight her, now yours and Hayley's blood is her weakness, once her spirit's free I can use Marcel to imprison her for good, I look over to Tatia who is looking down at her father hesitantly
"What's going to happen to Marcel" Tatia asks her mother
"Tatia, this won't work if you don't trust me" Rebecca tells her daughter
I looked at Rebecca and walker away, grabbed Tatia's hand, and went after the Hollow.
As Hayley and I were walking to the cemetery where we found the Hollow Hayley stopped me
"Tatia, your mother gave you a vial of her blood, it's around your neck, she gave it to you to use at your own discretion. She said if you channel the magic from it you'd be safe too, or if you decide to drink it and become a Tribrid." I look over at my Aunt and grab the vial around my neck which was next to my moonlight ring,
"I don't know what I want to to with it" I told my Aunt and she walked over to me, "whatever you choose to do Tatia is up to you, just know I will support you no matter what" Hayley tells me and I smile, then she turns her neck around
"We need to go, Now!" Hayley shouts and grabs my hand and we land in the cemetery and I see my Elijah fighting Sofya whom I see is possessed by the Hollow, I grab the vial around my neck and begin to channel the power in my mother's blood
"Now this game is coming to an end" before The Hollow can attack my Uncle once more I threw her to the ground and held her down with my magic and Hayley runs over to Elijah and kisses him, I walk over to the Hollow who is fighting to get back up but my magic is much stronger than hers, "not just yet" I tell her as I'm looking down at her"
The Hollow looked up at me and Hayley walks over to me and I give her my hand and she bites into it and then bites into her own hand and Hayley takes a knife she had and we both wiped our blood on it and Hayley slashes her with it and The Hollow groaned as our blood effected her
"Hurt huh? Our blood?" Hayley tells her as I continue to hold her down, but she begins to fight back, I tell Hayley in telepathically "I don't know how much longer I can hold her down Hayles"
"Whoever told you how to destroy me left out one little thing girls" the Hollow chuckled as she sat straight up and I fell to the ground and Hayley helps me back up and pushes me behind her
"Trapping me requires a release of power, the only kind you can get when you sacrifice an immortal" my eyes go wide, "Hayley my mother is going to sacrifice Marcel! I can't let her do that!" Hayely looks over at me understanding what I must do, I hand her my mother's blood from my necklace and I take my moonlight ring and put it on my ring finger, "If you need to use my mother's blood against her use it. Elijah, stay here" I tell my Aunt and Uncle and begin to run back to St. Anne's Church, hoping that my mother hasn't hurt my father
"Mom?" I call out to her and I see her standing above my father
"Don't try to stop me baby girl, I don't want to do this but it's the only way I can save everyone." My mother says as she tears up, I then see Hayley and Elijah run up next to me, Elijah whispers in my ear, "she got away with the bone"
"Mom you can't do this" I tell her and Hayley gives back the vial of my mother's blood and I put it around my neck and I walk over to my father who is laying down on the ground and I look up to my mother
"If I don't kill your father baby the Hollow will come for all of you, I'm doing this to protect you, please let me" my mother asks me as my father looks over at me, "I'm so sorry Tatia, for everything I've done, I love you so much, please find a way to forgive me for all I've done to your family" I look at my father, tears are streaming down his face and a tear goes down mine, "Mom don't do this" I beg of her
"Becca there has to be another way" Hayley tries to reason with her
"I ask waiting for the weapon but now that you're here Hayley, you can kill him" my mother says and she uses her magic to pull her into the circle but I use mine to stop her
"No!" I shout to my mother as my eyes turn blue, "You're not killing my father Mom, you love him, I know you dp, you're a good person, please don't do this!" I beg of her but she continues to pull Hayley I continue to push her back
"Baby girl, I'm an an ancestor now, my magic is stronger than yours, the more you fight back the more it will l hurt you
"Rebecca, let her go" Elijah lectures my mother and she listens
"He's lived for many lifetimes! That's more than enough!" My mother cries and tears stream down her face, I use my Magic to break the circle but it doesn't work
"I'm sorry Daddy!" I tell my father
"Its alright baby, I'll be fine, let me go" he tells me
"I want to, I want to so badly but I still love you, I can't." I tell him
My mother then pushes me away from my father, and she snaps Hayey's and Elijah's necks
"Mom please! He's all I have left!" I beg my mother
"Baby girl you'll have me!" She tells me
"No I don't! Mom you're dead! You're not here!" I shout back at her
"If we don't stop the Hollow you and Hope will die!" My mother shouts at me, tears streaming down her face
"You're not taking him from me Mom! I need him! I love him!" I yelled at her and use all the magic I have and try to break the salt circle and I'm about to do it but then she begins to use her magic to move the stake to kill my father
"Mom no!" I shout at her, trying my hardest to break the circle and then I hear a little girl
"No you promised to help us but you're hurting us and I won't let you!" Its Hope, I snap my head around and I see her walking in with Klaus and Hope raises her hand up to send my mother away, I looked at my niece in shock and I'll turn away and crawl into the arms of my father
"Daddy I'm so sorry! For everything" I cry into his chest
"I'm sorry too Princess"
We made our way back to the compound and my father left me to talk to Elijah and Klaus, I look over and I see a man I never met, he looks over at me and walks over
"You look so much like your mother" I look at Him questionably
"Who are you?" I ask him and he smiles at me
"I'm Alric, I was a close friend of your mother's" I smile at him
"What your mother did today was wrong, no doubt about it, but don't be mad at her, she loves you so much" he told me
"I'm know"

Half Blood- Book IV: Every Man for Themselves
FanfictionFive years ago a prophecy foretold the fall of the Mikaelaon family, Five years later the daughter of Rebecca Lynn Petrova woke up only to find that she was magically aged and now is a grown woman. Five years ago Tatia lost her mother, her father al...