Chapter 1 A New Friend

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(Lillie pov 12 years after Ivy's death)

"So grams, it's been awhile I believe you owe me an explanation as to why you disappeared."

"I could say the same to you Skye, you've changed quiet a bit. What happened to you? Not to mention we both owe your brother an explanation"

"*sigh* Indeed we do, but for now tell me the story so I can keep him from murdering you, he hasn't been doing too good as of late."

"Is he ill?"

"No, doesn't matter I need you to tell me why you left us."

"Your right, I do. It all started some 99,999,895 years ago."

(99,999,895 years ago) 

"Man this place has changed since last I saw it!"

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"Man this place has changed since last I saw it!"

'I would imagine so it was some two hundred years since you last visited.'

"True, True Ash,very much true.Amazing after all this time we still haven't found our mate."

'More or less, I mean we are technically immortal beings we don't age past a certain age, we don't die from old age only if severely injured. So we will wait a long time for them'

"Gender specific enough?"

'Ohh hush, you know we can mate with any gender and still have a child. Your parents are proof enough of that.'


*I thought vaugly of Mom and Mum their faces blurry after all this time, sad as it was fox shifters die once their mates do. Mum was murdered when she was taken to be sold on the black market, she shifted and was killed after being called a witch. Fox shifters aren't very good parents to their own kids for one reason or another, but grandparents were, however I am a first generation shifter so I had no grandparents. Personally I would hate to have a kid much less grand-kid i'm a free spirit a kid would only slow me down.I climbed up the mountain as I broke past peek I looked over and saw a town below it was quiet loud and energetic. I made my way down as I got weird looks from people bundled up from the cold as I walked around in little to no clothes. Yeah go ahead and stare see where that gets you.*

'Go into an alleyway at least if I shift it will be a bit less noticeable.'

"Sure, and have a little black fox seen and be mistaken for a witch AGAIN!. What year is it anyway?"

'19.. something i'm not sure.'

"Well, I think its our birthday again its December 31 right?"


"Yay, another year another day we become a senior. Think I can get senior discount now?"

'Not if you look like your twenty something.'


'Where did that come from?!'


'Ughh, why do I even try with you?'

"Because I am the only one either of us has talked to in over 800,000 years is why"

'You know what, go get some alcohol, or i'm taking over, we need a drink.'

"Ughh, gross!"

'Too bad, its my turn anyway. bu-bye'

*Soon I was shoved to the back of my mind as Ash navigated smoothly through the crowd escaping into a bar that was pretty modern. She had us take a seat by the bar stool speaking in a old dialect confusing the bar tender who seemed to have a weird dialect of English. What the hell is he saying? Ash pointed to the whisky in something that looked fragile and clear. He made the universal sign for money and a gold nugget was pulled out. It was about the size of my pinky  and was 98% pure gold that should cover our tab and then some. However the bartender looked at us like we were crazy. Somebody placed their hand on my shoulder as I whipped around glaring them down with a growl the stranger spoke in another weird dialect to the stranger then turned to me in a language I did know. Latin, ahh joy fox shifters were the ones who made it well my Mom,Mum and another original fox shifter couple so we have that knowledge naturally amazing right?*

"You can't pay in gold here."

"And why not? Its perfectly good money!"

"You're not from around here are you?"

"No, i'm not."

*I looked the man over more carefully he had messily neat black hair  and eyes rimmed red. Vampire.*

"What do you want vumpire (vum-peire)"

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"What do you want vumpire (vum-peire)"

"I appreciate you diluting the wording. Nothing, but so simply to know how you knew, i'm not sure, but i'm not that young you see."

"Trust me, anything in comparison to me is quiet young. "

"Really, try beating 6,000 m'lady"

"Try 99,999,895"

"Holly shit!"

* Made a side glace at him.*

'I like him Lillie'

'Indeed he seems interesting'

"What's your name?"

"Dayke and yours grams?"

"Don't call me that, and it's Lillie."

"How original."

"Indeed it was, being as my Mum was the one who made that flower and named me after it. Although a much different spelling."

*Dayke spoke in a weird America accent again as I was unable to follow what he said soon enough a whisky was placed in front of me.*

"Cheer's to new friends and the modern world."

"Cheer's indeed."

Glasses clinked together as a friendship was formed between the two unlikely friends as the sun rose upon a new day and the heavy weight out drunk the light weight.

"Ughh how the hell can you drink so much?!"

"It's called being a fox shifter poppet."

The sound of a glass breaking  reveted around as the vampire stared wide eyed at the petite woman beside him. Surprised at the rather senior aged woman who looked to be in her late twenties as she easily drank down another glass of whisky like it was water.

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