Chapter 3 Killer Hangover

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I woke up with a killer headache and no memories of what happened last night. I felt a hard lumpy bed under me and sat up seeing Dayke was the supposed bed I thought him to be. He was shirtless and had a lot of bloody drool on his chest as well as bite marks. 'The hell did I do to him?'

'Got drunk, that's all I got, damn even I was wasted.'

I felt my stomach do a sudden twist as I went bolting for a plant and puked up a lot of deer meat.

"Morning sleeping beauty, my, I must say you certainly are a heavy drinker."

"Ohh, fuck off."

I gave him the bird as I barfed more.

"Hey, don't be bitchy, if you weren't rude I would have been more than happy to give you some pain meds, but I will let you suffer now, might I add you certainly do have a hard bite."

"Guhh, my head is killing me, this is why I don't drink, the hell did I do?"

"First off, how much do you remember?"

"Hunting and you barfing?"

"Jeez, that was a looooooong while back."

"Ehh? What do you mean 'It was a while back?' "

"Well, back tracking, shortly after you caught that deer, some hunters came and wound up shooting at you thinking you to be some wild bear, I don't blame them covered in blood and matted hair...Anywho, they shot you, you went down, your fox took over, they realized their mistake seeing as they were shifters as well offered you a drink, err your fox Ash it was? A drink she began chugging it left and right for about a week before passing out cold."

'You're trying to kill our liver!!!!!!!!!!'

'Hush, your awake now so it's totally healed now.'

"Soo, I took you back here, and you began to bite me in your sleep before I yanked you onto me and you calmed down enough to sleep, and that brings us to now."

"Holly hell, i'm sorry, but I need something for this hangover, and Ash, your on probation  for trying to drown our liver!"

'Duly noted chief.'

"Good, god..."

I slumped down next to the poor plant now drowning in acid and dying as I was given some meds to help with the hangover and I dry swallowed. I crashed then and there next to the plant.


When I woke again my headache was gone and my throat was burning. I walked out of the room I was in to the kitchen of what I am assuming is a pack house. Some of the pack members looked at me growling and I flashed my eyes back showing my dominance over them as they took multiple steps back as I sought out a cup and filled it with water soothing my poor throat as I spoke. "It's good to be cautious of new people, but when their scent had been here for over a week and their volpus has decided to take over I recommend you give them space seeing as they obviously are not a threat, being that as their scent had been 'ere over a week." I said while leaning back against the counter sipping the water. "Oii, why is it so cold?"

"Err...your naked miss..."

"Ohh, so I am." I shrugged pulling some of my hair forward covering my body and giving me heat."Problem solved boys. "

"You know most girls would be freaking out and or cheack to see if they have clothes on before going downstairs correct?"

"Trust me when you have lived as long as I have you don't give two shits on who sees you in your birthday suit."

"You don't look that old..."

"Trust me, I'm far older than I look. Ohh, where is Dayke and your Alpha?"Some of the more feminine males all blushed the older ones scowled and let out a bit of a growl."ohh my, he got to you already. "
I placed my right hand on my right cheek as I feigned shock. "Well, where is your Alpha or rather could you tell me where I am then I can go thank your Alpha for housing these old bones of mine."

"Your in Canada."

"Ahh, thank you. Now your Alpha?"

"Talking with your mate."

"Ohh no, he isn't my mate. Just a close friend of mine whom taught me English."

"Then what was with those bite marks all over him?"

"Me intoxicated and hungry he was the closest thing my primal side deemed as something that wouldn't kill me if I took a chunk or two out, but blegh I'm not a fan of vampire blood.  Too second hand err third? Mmm, it's just confusion on transfer of things. Now blood I would kill for is draco blood. So firy and rich. Like a good brandy except you can't stop. Velpia if you can then more power to you."

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